Hey there. This is waga nichijouseikatsu also known as My Semi-Daily Life.
Just random updates are posted here.
*note that waga nichijouseikatsu only translates to Daily/Everyday Life. Haha I do not know how to say my somewhat or semi daily life in Japanese. -still rusty-*


  • I'm Japanese and a little Vietnamese.

  • LIKES: eating ((mainly sweets & pastries)), sleeping, blogging, video games, computer games, board games, puzzle games, mind games, games, staring, watching Korean Dramas
  • DISLIKES: *looks at you*
  • Singers & Bands I Always Like:

    Super Junior, Rurutia,Big Bang, Soul'd Out, 2PM, Utada Hikaru, Kwon BoA, Heartsdale,2NE1, TVXQ, Wonder Girls, SNSD and a few more

  • requests/trades/collabs/b-day giftsrequests/trades/collabs/b-day gifts: - I'm sorry, but I refuse to do those unless certain conditions are to be made. Birthday gifts I do depending on my mood.
  • Sites:

    Lol I like how on my neopets account almost everything I put for my information is false. orz
    I don't have a facebook thank you. If you see a picture of mine that's being used for a profile picture, then that's probably my friend. Add her if you want.

    *Watch Brown Eyed Girls' Abracadabra MV before you watch this if you wanna kinda understand.*

    아아아아아!! 2PM & 2AM BABY!!

    Fun fun funny video!

Some Stuff

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Happy time!
But seriously at first I was like, "I doubt I get too many votes but I submit anywyas..."

But then when I signed back on at like 9:45 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, I was like ( ゚ Д゚).

Thankyou SO much for all the hugs on the pic!
I love you guys so much!
And a happy birthday to kiki(leeluver1), sayura(aragorn1014), and styler(frownzdontsmile) and to everyone else who had a birthday today as well!

Oh oh! did you guys hear about the story contest that someguy put on one of adam's worlds?
It sounds way awesome. I don't think I'd win though but I think I'll attempt to enter.
You hafta make some scary/horror story. And it's due October 31st.
The prize is a full one year's subscription to theO for free!
And for anyone who already bought a subscription and wins, you get another year free!

Go to the officialotaku world for more info.

Don't steal my idea though. I'll cut with my EMO RAZOR you if you do!
My Setting is gonna be at a fast food restaraunt! mwahahahahaha!

okay then. External Image <<CLICKY!

Okay, it's just the cover but I swear, I'll put up a page or two of it by the end of this week!
Gaze upon the cover's ugliness. Read through the crappy summary. lol


Ah yes. The joy's of school life at my school.
Since it's the month of halloween , my teachers at my school have started up a system thingy.

From now until halloween, they give you a piece of candy if:

A) You have good behavior.

B) You get 80 or above on a paper.

C) You are participating in class.

D) Do everything you're supposed /required to do.

E) All of the above.

It's a bit childish but for a lot of the students it seems to be working.
But it depends on which teacher and what candy they give out.
I like all my teachers cause one gives out skittles, another milkyways, and the rest is either snickers, heath, lifesavers, starbursts, mars bars, laffy taffy, or something else that's good.
I just like most candies basically.
I'm gonna rot my teeth out this year.

Cause I'm gonna start trick-or-treating when it gets dark and this year it's supposed to get dark around 4:45 to 5:15 ish.

So....go to my mom's store and ask for candy at houses close by and ask her customers for candy until like 3:30.Go drive and Trick-or-treat through out the mall for an hour and a half.Go trick-or-treating with my friends for about another half hour. Then go to my sister's college and ask the dorm people for candy until 9 or 10.
Y'know college dorm kids almost always give you the best things.
One year someone gave me a slim jim. Another year someone gave me hostess snacks and their room mate gave me a pokemon trozei game for the ds.
And yeah. Oh! Last year someone gave me dunkin donuts.

Quick question before I end the post,if you like to dress up on halloween, what're you gonna be this year?

i'm being a boy this year. lol
Last year I was a gangster though.

Okay happy happy fun day to you all!
Jaa ne!

Random comebacks

I dunno. Just a couple random comebacks for you to say to someone if they dissed you or something.

When someone says, "You're gay."

You tell them, " Why thankyou. I know that I'm colorful/happy."

When someone says," Your Face!"

You tell them, " IS BEAUTIFUL!"

When someone says "You're hairy."

You tell them, " At least I'll be warm in the winter."
(okay that sounds freaky but you don't hafta say that)

When someone says " You are a sasquatch."

You say, "At least I'm worth something if I get traded in."

When someone says, "I don't like you."

You say, " You're right. You don't like me. You LOVE me."

When someone says, " My school is run by a bitch."

You say, " I didn't know that you were the principle!"
((lol jkjk dun say that or else they'd get uber pissed at you. unless it was someone you didn't like of course))

When someone says, "You smell like sh!t."

You say, "How do you know what that smells like?"

When someone says, " Your butt is sticking out."

You say," At least I got junk in my trunk." ((okay that one is stupid so nm))


Okay okay. I just felt like posting that for no apparent reason.

The idea just popped into my head all of a sudden. I know. Tis stupid but i like my ideas.

Oh yeah. Today, I went over a friend's house.
We were playing chess with another friend. They were deciding on which color they wanted to be. I wasn't paying attention really. Then all of a sudden I heard one of my friends say "I'm white." and the other say "I'm black." Then I blurted out "I'm Asian!" lol what the fridge? My friends just stared at me and then they played chess. It was very akward moment for me but yeah.

And if you don't comment that's fine. I guess it's what i deserve since i don't get the chance to comment too often anymore. So yeah. Toodles!


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okay. that's all i have to say.
You. Yeah you.

I command you to go take the quiz. lol

Have a nice day.

Comments aren't neccessary forthis post since it has nothing much to say really.



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what the fridge?

I changed the answers and got someguy. Then i did random answers and got desbreko.lol

Okay that's enough for today.


hi hi. I is back foos. lol And i think it's only been a week since i was last on. Anyways....i am back for now. Happy happy Early halloween kiddies. And if you wondering, the reason why i wasn't on for so long w...

Read the full post »

Hey everyone

yo. Been awhile ne?
like 2 or 3 weeks?
Okay maybe it hasn't been that long but yeah.
I was prohibited from using the computer.
But me parents aren't on so i snuck on. ^.^
i feel regretful somewhat but whatever...
i betcha ya'll dun care anymore right?
Well i have something to tell you.

hm....the new middle school children are like a wicked pain in the Ass.
They think that they're all cool and stuff and they think that they're all that and a bag o chips.
It drives meh nuts.
But i remember when i was like that. only instead i was quiet and i didn't say nothing and i wasn't loud and i didn't seem like i was high off of sugar or something.
I noticed some of you have put up contests of your own.
I might enter. If i can sneak through me parents.
But if i can't then i so sorry.
And about requests and prizes and all that other stuff...
prizes is a must and so are super old requests and art trades that i got before august 21st.
Anything in me inbox i might do but i might not.
oh oh!
2 more things i want to say to you guys all before i leave then not come back until another 2 -4 weeks.
1) I'll try to comment when i can use the internet next time.

2) i love you guys a lot and all and i really like to talk and stuff but, please dun spam me inbox with 42 messages.

I'm like, HOLY SH!T.
Whudda fck?
The last time i was off of theO for like 2-3 weeks i only had 5 pms. oh well.
Byebye for now me friends.