Life 'n Stuff

Hello everyone!
Lunalei here.

Oh my gosh it's Monday.
Y'know that day where you're supposed to go to school.
The one that's after Sunday.
The same day that always or usually has Monday Night American Football.

Well the Patriots lost yesterday. Pfft. Whatever. I just watch.

I got back into the gaiaonline fad again. After like 3 or 4 weeks of being bored with gaia, I got kinda hooked on it again.
I'm going to get some Cash cards now! lol
I like spending money on useless items. I'm dumb like that.
I am currently making sample arts for my supposedly upcoming art shop that I might launch.
If I don't launch them I could always just put it up for display anyways though~
Add me if you have a gaiaonline!
Just clicky the link at the very top to go to my profile!

Haha...recently I just heard of a new girl group from SM Entertainment called
F(x). They're pretty cool! I ADORE YOUR RAP SKILLS AMBER!!

Okay. I'm afraid that if I keep typing anymore of what happened for my day today, the post will get a little too long.

So yeah. I'll be commenting a little later today. I have to start an art project right now. :(

Have a nice day~
