News & Yeah

Well, what do you guys know?
It's almost Halloween. =)
Sorry for the innactiveness, but things have just been absolutely hectic for me lately.
I just finished some projects and stuff for class so I'm free for the rest of the week.
I can't wait until Halloween comes around.
I'm going to be a fashion terrorist / color blind freak.
What're you guys doing when it comes around?

You guys want to know something?
My cousin is going to be moving in with me soon!
I swear she's like my twin or something and she's born on the same day as me too! Her and me are like best friends.
Well actually, she's not Japanese though. She is however Vietnamese and has been born and raised here. Hurhur...she's got the same birth date as me. Only I was born a few hours before.
I'm actually going to be moving soon, like out of the country moving. :(
It's not too soon though. The date is set for somewhere in December.
But yeah. When I move, I'm leaving pretty much everything to my cousin. Well my email address actually belonged to her in the first place and so does my neopets. Eh...I still have a lot of things to plan out, but whatever.

I'll try to comment some time later this week.
Oh gosh, you guys just thrive off of those little messages don't you.

Have a nice day you guys~
