
Sorry to say, but I'm going to be a little inactive for awhile.
So yeeeeaaaaahhh.
Shoo shoo!
I have plenty of work to do around here right now.
Just like it was stated in the post below. I'll probably be on AIM & neopets every now and then though. Maybe nng Proboards... Can't go on Otaku chat. So sad. I had a virus and it was screwing around with the program I needed to have in order to access the chat.
Got rid of the virus but...the program was uninstalled in the process.
Me tablet came in the mail today though~
Those FEDEX b@$t@rd$ said that it was supposed to be in sooner but something got mixed up in the mail. *coughcough* I think something really did get messed up though. I got a medium black Wacom tablet. I thought I ordered silver. Oh well. Who cares. I'm not using it any time soon though until I finish my work.
Bleaaah...my parents are nagging me and telling me why am I speaking to them in Korean when I'm Japanese and little Viet. They said that this is probably the last time they ever think about signing me up for Korean classes. lolAlso, on the manwha I was working on for Korean class...my teacher gave me full marks! I thought my story was twisted and corny at the same time though. But she said they should make it into a drama. lol A 17-yearold boy falls in love with his best friend's sister. She's younger than him by about 5 years. The guy also lives in the same house with his best friend and his sister. It turns out that the friend has somewhat of a loli fetish going on. Something like that. lol You steal my idea without permission I WILL FRIGGIN' CUT YOU!

Catholic Schools week is coming up soon.
Which means...
Pajama Day
Parent Gym Visit day
Open House/Eat with your Child Day
International Food Festival
Other random stuff

Mkay then.
Jaa ne~


NARUTO and TWILIGHT is really gettin' on my last nerves.
AISHIRUDO NIJūICHI & SORU ITA FTW! Maybe Bleach...it's only a maybe because Bleach already has its own ridiculously large fandom fan base.
