

Depression strikes the heart...nothing left to do other than contemplate

"Whenever my heart aches...I only laugh louder...to hold back the tears"~Super Junior KRY (Well,it's only a rough translation)

I wanna leave for Neverland...where tears are never shed, where everyone's always happy, and where you can't ever hurt me again.

*sighs* Lately I've been quite depressed. A lotta things are going on at an unsteady pace. But, I guess it's all a part of Puberty? My sister said that it's around this age that girls get mean and stuff. 'Cause during the past few days, I heard girls criticizing my drawings and telling me that they think I traced or something, talkin' behind my back, excluding from activities...and quite a few other things...oh the nightmare returns...Today they called me chink and threw some of my drawings away. And I worked on some of those for a good 10 minutes! Sheesh..back in Japan they didn't do these kind of extreme things..but then again I think it was because we were like really young and cause it was only my school.

I cry myself to sleep...it actually helps me fall asleep faster! Eheh...but maybe that's just me.
Okay. I'll try to get some more commenting in tomorrow. I just don't really have the heart to comment much right now. But if I feel better...yeah...
'kay. Enough of my meaningless life story.

I just read Double Arts the other day. I have gotta say, it was very good. I dunno why it got lowest ranking in shounen jump though. It got cancelled because of that. At first, I was a bit reluctant about reading it, but after I read a few chapters, it started to get really good. So I checked out the author and illustrator's names. Turns out it happened to be one of my favorites. Yes. It was one of my all-time favorites, Komi Naoshi. Yeah. I'm a fan of his first one-chot Island and Koi no Kami Sama.

Sorry but I like to make annoying posts.

Aishīrudo nijūichi FTW

Jaa ne
Have a nice day~

((Magicringer 'n me were chatting on AIM the other day and she told me that she noticed I usually tend to end my comments or something with ,"Have a nice day~" Not bad or anything but have any of you noticed? Even if you didn't it's going to be my new phrase. If you steal...if you steal...I'LL CRY...AND THEN CRY SOME MORE!!))
