
So sorry. I haven't been commenting lately. I was not busy.
Ack! I have my science fair thingy to finish! This year my group is SO gonna kill the other teams and WE'RE SO gonna come in first place!
We came up with a group name two. Yes. That was a major epic fail pun.

The first one was: Beast of the East
The second was: Triple AAA

The reason for the first group name was because everyone in my group is Asian. lol John is Vietnamese, Jerome is Fillipino
Mad asian skills we have.
The reason for the second one was because all of us are on Honor Roll.

If I take pictures at the fair then I might show you guys. Sadly, they said no building of robots and all the other technology shizz. So only the general Earth, Life, and/or Chemistry topics to choose.

My friend Hannah and I are doing a short story together. Actually it's not that short. It's only 6 pages and we're not even half way done yet. Oh well, it's due next Friday so it's all good.
Next Saturday I'm going tubing from 9AM to 2PM at Amesbury MA. I think Amesbury is close to NH or something so to all those who live in NH =D. Yes, my school actually has field trips on Saturdays. Last year my school took us to Nashoba Valley for tubing and it was on a Friday. It was kinda fun but not really 'cause it was small, the hills weren't steep, and it was ghetto. Oh well. No no. If you thought I meant water tubing in March then you are incorrect. I'm going tubing as in snow version.

lol I'm a dork. I changed my world's theme to Super Junior. I don't think they had a sapphire blue shade for the box thingys so I just went with this one.

Okay. Have a nice day~

And to my friend Goku-chan: Welcome back from your hiatus thingy! Hope you can stay on a little longer~
