
I'm pretty bad at coming up with titles.
I think a lot of my posts have the same title as another without my realizing.
Report cards came out today~
I did baaaaaaad.
Extra emphasis on the BAD.
So bad that my parents,actually just my dad, got freakin' pissed off.
I got like, 97 on my last report card. The 97 went down to 96.
What the fridge!?!
At least I'm on Honor Roll!
A lot of kids would kill to get the grades I do or even to get on Honor Roll!

My dad was like, "OMFG! WTH?! How the hell did you get from 97 to 96!?! You're not trying hard enough! You're slacking off! What? You don't like to f'ckin' study anymore!? What is wrong with you!? Going to school is a privellage! You see all those dropouts? That's because they didn't f'ckin' study! Studying is everything! It's gonna determine if you're successful in life or not! ONE POINT IS A LOT!-blahblah- cr@p - blahblah- bull$h1t - blah blah - You're dissapointing - blahblah - more ranting."
I'm serious though! He was actually swearing!
wth? Parents, much less people who's native tongue isn't English, are not supposed to swear!
Oh well. He does this and more spazzing whenever something like my grade drops by a point. A point does matter sometimes though. Like GPAs and stuff.
Well, my lappytop got fixed.
But I can't use it.
My old man told me nooooooooooooooooo because of my grade.
Big deal~
Oh well. Some parents are just like that I guess.
Augh...I'm so lazy feeling.
Idk why but I don't feel like commenting.
But seriously, my dad just made my day go BOOM with all the spazzing and shizz.

I'll try next time though 'kay?

Have a nice day you guys~
