
Guys Guys!!
Clicky the linky thing!

The cell phone is sick!!
I wants one!! Like...really bad...Why? Because it has a projector thing on it!
I was like, "HOLY SHIZZ? FOR REALS?"
Yeah. If you were wondering why I was on the Korean Samsung website it's because I was watching one of those online dramas and they had this link so I was curious because the ad looked really cool. I know. That was dumb of me but I couldn't resist. Still, don't click a link even if you think it's safe.
http://nexus404.com/Blog/2009/03/25/lg-lollipop-cell-phones-aimed-at-youth-market-3g-lg-sv800-kh8000-lh8000/ The lollipop is really cute though.

So is the ice cream. lol

WOW! I am a materialistic child...uhuhuhuhuhu...oh well. Even if I don't get one they're still nice to look at.

Yesterday was April Fool's as all of you may know. TheO launched a prank by making all of our avatars into Edward Cullen ones and the titles like Senior Otaku and Otaku Legend etc were changed into I LIEK TWILIGHT or NOOB LEGEND. lol
At school it was really fun. My friend Patrick was the victim. The teacher and the class planned a really funny prank. Basically when Pat went to the bathroom, she went over the plan. So When Pat entered, we were all like dead quite and we had angry/emotionless faces. No smiling. Then we all started to glare at him. He was like, "What? What happened you guys?"
My teacher told him, " BE QUIET! You have no right to talk..." Pat had a scared look on his face and we continued to stare at him.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"You're suspended for 3 weeks. Get packing. NOW!" the teacher yelled.
Patrick like jumped. "Why?! WHAT'D I DO!? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!"
The teacher told my friends Nina and Ayo(pronounced eye-yo) to explain to Patrick why.
"You posted all those nasty comments and rumors about the teachers and insulted everyone here at school on your facebook account and myspace."
Then they gave him like this nasty glare.
"Wait. WAIT! I never did that! And even if I did, I never meant it! It must've been a mistake or something! Guys...GUYS!!" Patrick was starting to cry. The tears were REAL too!
Then the class started laughing a lot! Bwahahahaha! lmao
I loved yesterday. I felt really bad but then he realized that it was a joke so he started laughing too. My teacher like fell off her chair! Literally!

Today, in every class we had with my homeroom teacher, all we did was color these flower and butterfly pictures and read our vocabulary stories. A lot of the kids were saying, "AWWWWW...WHY DID SHE END UP ALONE!" and my teacher told me,"Wow...that was bittersweet," when I read mine.
My middle school is F-U-N. Most times anyways.

Enough of my ramblings. Gotta go finish my contest pic that is late and I highly doubt that Sayoko-chan will accept it.

Have a nice day you guys~
