
Uuuuhhhhh...yeah as the title may suggest.

Ahahahahah...I think this puberty thingy is making me chaaaange.
Not really. I seem to have taken a liking to pastel-ish colors now. I appear to be happier lately as well! And those girls who used go do all that crazy shizz and what-nots to me are all like...really mellowed out. They got nicerr.
And then me 7th grade homies Imma gonna leave soon! But luckily, there is a joint field trip coming up with 7th and 8th grade so huzzah! Another last memory to cherish before it's off to hell I mean highschool. Bwaaaahhhh!!! I'm sooooo lazy!
Even my friends tell me that. I haven't been commenting much lately at all!!
I keep saying that I'll try some more but I don't really seem to be doing so...The scanner hasn't been working lately. It's like on and off. When I don't feel like using it, the thing works. When I need to use it...it becomes an arse. I wanna scan my pics soooooo bad.
And then my weird art teacher is putting some of my art class pics up for display too. Ewww...I can't STAND to look at them. Hey hey. If you guys live anywhere close by or have time then come to Malden Catholic High School.
That's where the display is. It's this Fridaaay.
Uhuhuhuhuhuhu...free shameless advertising for the damn exhibition thing! Dun worry. Only like 2 or 3 of my pieces is there. The rest is from other ppls.

Damnit! My friend better stop going on my AIM!

Have a nice daaaaaaay~
