
Dear Journal,

So far nothing new on my niece that has been missing since dec 9th and it sucks. I am so worried for her and hope that everything will be okay but as i look at the news on the tv...or the net more kids her age and younger keep disappearing and it is beginning to worry me that much more. Her father that i know and have grown up with outside my worlds here in the o and online elsewhere all them know and are worried too. I just hope she comes home soon. On another note for the 10th of this coming month I am excited for... My Grandmother, my oldest sister, Rin and I all go get to see Cher live in the area I live in and it is amzing best part is that it is a birthday slash late christmas present for grandma. She has been wanting to see her for ever. She had told me herself that since the last time Cher was on tour. Ok i better go now.

Sara Elizabeth Jones
