
Dear Journal,

Yes i know it has been two years since i last wrote in my journal here. I am now married to the man that was my protector and have a little mini me at this point. Currently outside of the rp world and all that unless its on discord sometimes not even then. There are just days where i am too busy been married to the man for almost two years now as of the 15 of this month. I am glad that he choose me as his lover and friend forever. We have went threw alot of things that i will not mention but we have made it threw our trials so far and will continue to do so. It is just so amazing and sweet all at the same time. We are still repairing our house that we was given still living in our apartment for now in the town that we both grew up in. This is amazing thou my little girl will grow up where her mommy and daddy did.
We still havent decided which school we are going to put her in and she is only a year and half we still have time yet. Oh also I am working from homw currently till they decide what to do and i have my license and fiancing my own car. Currently also getting another job so i may disappear off the grid again. Thank you so much for reading and catching up with me in my irl life.

Sara Elizabeth Jones (IRL: Lisa Marie Massie)
