I have been an otaku for a loooong time but I didn't start really picking out characters I was in love with until I got into some better quality anime(story character design etc.) my first honestly was (thinks for a moment) Youroichi from Bleach( I have had ones before but Youroichi was the first I wrote about in a fan fic) I have had my more artistic friends draw me and her and I am still writing a fan fic with me and her(my friend Kamina 910 took Soi-Fon) I have put up a lot of pictures of her in binders and she is the background on my computer, the main reason I fell in love with her and i still am in love with her is because she has a laid back personality and she slacks a lot doesn't allow people to address her formaly and she has a nice body(that is just a bonus not trying to be pervy.) I am not ashamed of it because sometimes life can't give you what you want so you have to take it form somewhere else I found my escape in her and writing. If it isn't clear from the above I am still in love with her and it will probably stay for a while i hope and for know I am fine with her.
My first fanboy crush