
Before I met. You were always in my dreams but now I have you to myself.

As I lie on the grass I think about how lucky I am to have you in my life. Whenever you're there making me laugh at one of your joke. As I stare up at the clouds they remind me of you because you don't have a care in the world.

When we're together all i hear and see is you. I think I'm falling harder for you. As I stare into your eyes I see love,care, also sadness, and hope. We're at the park when you get on one knee and pull out the most beautiful ring ever and ask me if I will be with you forever. I say yes I will then I say thank you for making my dreams come true as while leaning down to kiss you

14 years later I still have those dreams I did when I was teen but now I'm married to you and happier then I could ever be. You work from 8 to 3 and when you get you kiss me on the cheek and you start to play with our baby girl and boy. You help me with dinner and feed the kids for me.

Once in awhile you'll put the kids in bed and blindfold me and when you take off the blindfold I see a dinner table with light candles. You stare at me with a smile.

At night you watch me sleep and right before you go to bed you whisper those three words I love to hear from you. Those words are I love you.


my bf made me this song and i loved it so much and he sang to me before
