...but i Effing H8 the Twilight series, liek, with a passion. I read the first one and didnt feel like reading the others. Everyone kept saying OMG Edward is sooo hawt! and They're such good books u should TOTALLY read them and stuff liek that and i waz horribla dissapointed. And NOW everyone keeps going around liek OMG VAPIRE?! Vampires are so hawt! I luvvums them! but you've never even MET one! They're NOT liek that! They steal ur life force(chi,chakra,watever u know it as) and use it to feed themselves. Most dont even kno they're vampires but after you hang out with them u feel deppressed and tired, fer liek days, and it can KILL!
Not to say I'm not a fan of the idea of vampires and werewolves, i hav both species in muh book, but u cant honestly say ur a vampire fan until you've read The Giaour by Lord Byron, it is a more then thirty page long poem about a vampire romance. I give the name of the poem and the author because i had such a hard time finding it after i heard about it at about age...nineish. Check it out, its really kewl.
Better yet, I'll put it on muh world "Poetry Corner".