intensities that fly

for the life of me,
you is all i see,
everything around us fades,
Fades to a black and red spiral.

That spiral we ride upon,
brings us up and down,
rollercoaster intensities.

the ride takes a sharp turn,
but has a sooth transition,
everything that we see is a blur.
colorless blur.

Why cant i let you go?!
the world seems to be more hurtful now./.
make this pain stop! take it away!
everyday, is all the same.

i thrash around and wake up..
everything was just a dream,
the deja vue seems all too real...
here i sit in my bed with tears falling off my cheeks.

Crimson rivers roll from my veins,
the adrenial runs through my body...
why does this pain feel so real?
i cant say no to you.
i have completely lost myself..

"Goodbye cruel world" i scream.
yeat again... another dream.
intense in various forms,
till one day i wake up and see that pure white room.
im gone forever in a sinful world above the skies.
"im home"

yes, i know, this one is intense.
its just how i have been feeling lately. and i thought i would describe that to you in a poem rather than a blog. ^^;
