Hello everyone XD and welcome! This is my first world created and its all about... well, me! Now don't take that the wrong way. I'm not copnceated This is just kinda like a blog. A way to keep things up to date about things that are going on in the life of Aury. Though I may not post all the time when I probably should, I still try and make updates! So kick back, relax, and read away!
- Created By babygurl24
Prom Night
This is a pic of me from prom :) i was prettyfied! yay! usually im miss blue jeans and a t-shirt. But in the pic its a strapless dress and makeup. What so you guys think? The pic is a little blurry because of the lighting though. Sorry bout that ^^;
Prom Ditcher
Hello everyone. It is I again. Just giving you an update, tho its not the best. I am a sophomore, which i think ive said once before, and prom is 2 days away, aka saturday. I am not allowed to go unless someone who is a jr or senior buys me a ticket and basically invites me to go. Well I had a friend planning to do just that. I have my dress, i have plans made, everything was set up. But when i ask her about it this morning she says shes sorry but she has a date... so yay me, i dont get to go...
Little of This and A Little of That
Hey everyone! It ish me again! Not much has happened since my last post, tho it was just before spring break. I didn't really do much more than work the entire time. Fun huh? Well I've been back in school for a little more than a week now, and guess what! April 1st my cat, mika, had her first litter of kittens! The little brat had 5! I wana know how something as small as she is can hold so many things inside of her!! She is the smallest out of our 3 cats (not including the kittens that is). My mom didnt think that they were going to come for another few days. But hey....... APRIL FOOLS!!! lol I hope all of you are doing well, and cosidering I'm not able to get on here that often anymore, I'm sure I'm WAY out of the loop from everything thats happening in the chatroom and such.
Oh, and I've been working on drawing a lot more lately, as you can probably already tell. My friend sent me a sketch book for a REALLY late xmas present, so I decided to start filling it up as much as I could asap. So far I've only gotten 2 though ^^; I'm kinda out of ideas too. I've never been all that great on decideing on what I should draw. So if you guys happen to have any ideas that'd be MUCH appreciated. I need the help. But anyway I think thats enough babbling for now. You guys take care and be good! and if you cant be good then be good at it! lol
PEACE!! <3
Yay For Spring Break!
Hello again everyone! it is again yet another monday in my long and drastic journey through high school *adventure music starts playing and the wind begins blowing my hair* (i know im being a little over exagerating but too bad! ) This is the last week before the long anticipated SPRING BREAK! YAAAAAY!!! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!! I finally get some relax time, as i'm sure many of you as well do too. I;m also entering my third week of work. That's right! little ol' me finally got a job! After i've been complaining about it for who knows how long, i finally get to start making some money!
To be honest i dont really make that much. It really depends on how much i sell that week. Oh, i didn't say what the job is. Well to really sum it up, i get to legally hurrass people! fun fun fun! im a newspaper sales woman! lol i know im a dork, but its a fun job! i think my hours will be bummped up more during break as well so i should be able to get a better paycheck and help out with my mom and such. So i have a question for everyone. Since i probably have no other plans over the break other than work and relax (unless my dad decides he wants to get ahold of me and try to kidnapp me, which wont happen by the way) what are you guys going to be up to? leave a comment or msg me ^.^
Been a while
Hey everyone! its been a while since I've made an entry. Well actually its been a while since I've really done anything on the Otaku. Sorry bout that. School hsa been picking up and to be honest, this sight isnt even suppose to be accessable on the school computers lol (i have no internet at home and very rarely go somewhere it is availale to me) Nothing of that much interest has happened from my last entery. I think there was the Military ball back in december. OH! my brother was engaged the night of the military ball. The girl is a sweet heart and we've known her for years, but there are a few things that I dont like so much about them being engaged. I'll go farther into that laster on in another post. I injured my hand yesterday using a shovel for my first period class so right now I am typing with a bandaged hand. It actually hurts quiet a bit and is hard to move acrss the keyboard like I am used to. But I guess I'll live. I'll try and make updates a little more often, so have no fear! my daily life shall remain boring lol until next time, i'm signing off!