Home Coming Part 2 and Weekend Fun

Here's Babygurl with a small update from Friday! Sadly we didn't do so well on the game like I'd been hopeing. I personally didn't go to the game but I know some who did. Apparently we lost both the games. Well maybe we can get them next time right?
The dance was very fun. Lots and lots of my friends were there and I danced till Midnight. Even an old friend of mine that I'd gone to school with for years but now goes to another school (our rival school!!) was there! She hasn't changed a bit. Still loud. Still energetic. Still crazy
After the event of the night I didn't get home till about 1am where I talked to my closest friend till maybe 2:30. After that I was dead to the world. The next day, sadly, I had to get up early I t sucked so much. I wanted to SLEEP IN!!!! But no, my mom made me get up and go to one of the next towns over about 30 minutes away and slipt/stack/unload wood all day. I am still hurting like hell! But hey guess thats my work out for the week huh? Then we had to stack wood for some of the day yesterday (Sunday). Wasn't too bad, and I got to show off how strong I am too
