
Hey everyone! It's maybe been about a week since I've posted in this world, but even so there hasn't been much going on. All there is really that has happened is school and work and more school. Of course that's usual for a teenager in high school huh? But really the big news of the last week is RAIN!!!! yay!
Sorry. As you can probably tell I love the rain. It fills me full of energy and helps me relax as well The smell is amazeing and one of a kind; henestlt, have you ever found a prduct that could truely capture the fresh, clean smell of the rain? I haven't, so if you have please do enlighten me on this! I'll even argue it out with you!! That's one thing I'll do with ease. I can argue till the sun comes up.
But that's all there really is. I know I'm such a bore. Maybe I'll come up with something interesting to tell soon. Heck I might even tell a few funny stories that I think you'll all like. But till next time, try not to drown!
