
Even though I haven't posted in like forever not much has happened. I've been missing a lot of school, so I haven't been on that much and I've been missing everyone. I've been crazy busy at work trying yo catch up to my school work (I'm a sophomore in high school remember?) and I'm not making much luck at at. Besides that my mom got into it with my dad not too long ago and when I went to visit my grandma on his side this weekend, she was trying to give me the guilt trip for being mad at him for all the crap he's put my mom, brother, and me through. Then I ended up getting into a big fight with her. talk about a bad weekend. Thursday was a bad as well. For no apparent reason I was in the worst mood in the world. Guess its just a off week huh? I did make a really cool pillow for my friend in Wyoming though. So I guess thats an upside to everything.
I feel like a chicken though. I can't and won't tell a friend of mine that I have the biggest crush in the world on him. He's a very close friend and I'm paranoid that he wont want anything to do with me once I do tell him. But I have a feeling he already knows I do. I have no idea what to do
