A Day Without Shoes

Hello everyone! Today is another day doing something with a cause, A Day Without Shoes; and as the title implies, we go the entire day without shoes. The last one I did was A Day of Silence. This was a day that I didn't speak one word to anyone, and neither did many other kids at my school, for one whole day in order to bring attention to the children that could have been but weren't because of abortions.
Today is a day to bring attention and support the children all around the world who aren't fortunate enough to even own a pair of shoes. The group compared to the day of silence was really small, but there were still a good amount none the less.
And as usual when we do these things, there are people who stare, whisper, tease, and just discriminate against us. Even the teachers and the higher ups in school this time were against it. It is now, as you all can tell, about half way through the day. I have heard reports from my friends that teachers are sending students to the office for doing it, they are being randomly called out of class, and they are being told to put their shoes on or be suspended. I have yet to have a word said to me by any of the adults at school even though I haven't had my shoes on since I started my first period of the day at about 8am.
The usual rude remarks are yelled from across the hall, and even once there was a comment to my face as I passed some person I had never even seen before. "Put your damn shoes back on. No one wants to smell your nasty ass feet!" The language these kids are using is ridiculous, and I hate saying that I share a school with them. But I do.
As it stands now, I haven't seen a single person left since my 3rd period class started that hasn't had their shoes on. This is a sad thing that our cause is being pushed down even by the people we are suppose to look up to, but what more can anyone do? Most kids are afraid to be suspended or whatever else consequents there may be for saying no to them, but I will say this much. I'M KEEPING MY SHOES OFF FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!!!
