hey this is samuraigirl122 from MyO! welcome to my site i guess or should i say world. lol! well i guess this is where im gonna put up all my posts and updates. so anyways...hope you guys have fun in my site like you usually did back at my old site! ill try to update as much as i can^^
my awesome info stationXD lol!
name: Danielle
b-day: 5/10/1991
ethnicity: filipino/1/4 chinese (so ppl wont get confused when they see a pic of me^_^)
nicknames: beanie-grl or ninja_shrimp

likes: reading mangas, playing videogames, chatting and drawing anime characters
dislike: rude ppl and ppl who steal other ppls artwork.
well im hoping to put my art work on otaku for every one to see^^ still trying to get used to the new myO but im getting here=D
if you happen to stop by sign my guestbook^^ oh and if you guys ever wanna talk just PM me or we can talk on aim^^ my sn is the same, samuraigirl122!
current anime watching:

well so far my summer has been fun^_^ i went to a b-day party and played glow and the dark mini golf. but goin out of a dark place make the outside more brighterXD i also went to monterey. it was so nice over there the weather was nice too. it was barely hot over there and someparts were foggy. but wat the heck at least it was pretty cold there=D oh on fourth of july i went to watch fire works in carmel it was so pretty^_^ i also went to the beach in carmel also the water was so coldXD it made my feet numb...lol! we took alot of pictures while we were in monterey. well that was my vacation for that weekendXD
now back to the rest of summer break^_^ like always its usually boring until i do something fun. im not goin camping this year cuz of allthe fires thats been happening here in CA. i guess ill just enjoy reading allthe mangas on the internet and watch special a and shugo chara. its such a cute anime to watch.
well thats all i have to say for this week nothing really special is happening anywaysXD so talk to you guys later! oh ad ill put some of my artwork up if i have sometime too^_^ well see ya around theO!
hey i havent been on in a while. sorry about that but was really bus with school and stuff. i had to study for the SAT that i took last saturday. man that test was hard. im hoping that id get a high school or somewhere near a high score>.< well anyways im still in school i get out of school next wednesday=( finals next week>.< ahhh! i donthave to worry as much i dont have much finals. just pre cal and chemistry^_^ yay! well i just cant wait till summer break so i canfinally sleep in which im proly not gonna do as much since im not used to waking up in the middle of the afternoon. well if you want to know im in school at the moment doin nothing. just the library ta and the librarian isnt here and neither is her son. she took him to a doctor's appointment. i realy want this day to be over well just the school part of the day. after school is over im goin to union city and hang out with my friends. were gonna watch the happening.
anyways this summer im probly gonna put more of my artwork that i was planning to put on otaku a long time ago but never had the time toXD well this summer i will and ill be on otaku like all day mostly well not on al day but ill be on gaia all day so if you guys have a gaia account come hang put with me there if you want that is^_^ well since im still in school im gonna stop here for now i might get in trouble for posting stuff since im not allowed to do stuff like this in schoolXD well talk to you guys later!

yesterday i went to my first fanime con. the one in san jose. that was my b-day present from my friend martin^^ thanks martin for bringing me to the fanime con! it was so much fun!! i brought my best friend maria to the fanime con too^^ omg!! me and her were lkike noobs. i mean we werent all dressed up and stuff. my god there was alot of ppl dressed up and yea i know its an fanime con. but wow. i didnt know that all those ppl like to cosplay^^ i didnt buy that much tho. i wanted to but me and maria said that we should remind eachother not to buy useless things. i bought a new beanie and two shirts from tea club. thats a manga pmbq made. i really like their stuff. its cute. and it has pandas. now who can hate pandas that looks so cute??? lol!! my friend maria bought lots of clothes. actually she spent all her mony thereO_o she brought like $200. now thats alot to spend at a fanimec con. oh and some one a guitar that was signed by this one band. sorry i forgot wat their name was^_^' well anywas i spent my whole day in san jose. san jose is now my 2nd favorite city in california^^ of course my first is san francisco.
ok now for the good stuff....lol!! ok i was about to get picked up and then out of nowhere me and my friends get free tickets to see AN CAFE!!! i mean i didnt really know much about that band but my friends filled me in^^ ok anyways this was our first concert too. the line for this concert was hella long. it almost circled the auditorium building. but i guess it was worth the wait. we also gave a gift to An Cafe. we gave them our free hug sign! and guess wat it appeared on the drum set of An Cafe! me and my friends were like "OMG thats our flag!!!" we weer really happy that our flag was up there! we also put our names on the back so An Cafe will know who gave it to them^^ oh and there were no cameras allowed at the conert=( sucks but oh well. if you were caught then you would have to leave or go at the back of the line. which really sucks by the way. so maria had to hide her camera and martins camera in her bag of clothes she bought. it was a close call cuz the were searching out bags to see if there were cameras in it. i screamed my lungs out at the concert yesterday. i had a sore throat for the rest of the day=( wasnt too bad. anyways yeasterday was the best sunday ever!! i hope im goin to next years fanime con! cant wait to see An Cafe again at their next conert in the US. oh did i mention that it was their first concert in the US!! AN CAFE you rock!!!
this weekend was hella fun except for the part where i got the time of the month. my stomach was cramping alot todayT_T but i took some advil and out a hot bottle of water on my stomach. now im totally fine^^
yesterday was my b-day! i am now 17 yo! i had so much fun yesterday. although some of my friends couldnt make it=( its was sad. actually not alot of ppl came to my party. at least two of my friends came maria and martin. we went swimming and had like hella food. OMG=O so much pizza like six boxes....lol!! of course we didnt finish it all but i took some home. i was at my moms house for my b-day if you guys wanted to know^^ anyways we also played foose ball, air hockey and pool. took hella pictures too. lots of random pictures. before i took my friends home we were watching the mysterious ticking noise video and we recored ourselves saying wat the potter puppets were saying...lol!! it was so funny. i end up being hermione harry and voldemortXD we did it two times. but man my friend martin can eat alotO_o he eats more than my brother....lol!! the good thing is that even if my friends didnt come to my b-day they still greeted me^_^ i have such good friends. even the forums im on even greet me...lol!! but then again they always greet you happy b-day.
ok now moving on to today. mothers day was ok. i guess. we ate spaghetti and had the left overs from my b-day. we had alot of leftovers. we watched movies all day. oh i forgot to mention that my friend martin end up spending the night. he watched movies with us. he says that i woke him up this morning....lo!! but i didnt its not my fault that i cant sleep in on the weekends. the curse of saturday morning cartoons....lol!! anyways we took him home aroung 2 since he had to be home by four. we when we got back home we watched more moviesXD i took a nap though=P oh and to make today even worse i got my you know wat for this month. really sucks but the good thing is that i didnt have it on my b-day.
well i guess that sums up wat i did this weekend. im goin to bed now since i have to go to school tomorro....ewww school. but the good thing is that theres like about 27 more days left of school!! yay! but im gonna be a senior next yearT_T im getting oldXD lol!! but if you saw me you wouldnt think that id look like im 17. i look like i can still be in junior high or a sophomoreXD dont worry i get it all the time so im ok with it. ok...now im off.....talk to you guys later!
i had so much fun at the anime faire!! i had to wake up at 7amT_T although i had to work there for a while i still had fun. i made new friends^^ meet new ppl too^^ though the lady assigned us stuff to do was evil and scary. i didnt like her. neither did the other ppl who worked there. after my shift was done i went and walked around the faire bought stuff and hung out with my friends. but i had to babysit my friend, martin's, niece nephew and sister. martin went to a korean restaurant for two hours
but he still owes me. big time. anyways.....i bought my friends ivy and paula something from the faire. i bought ivy a hitsugaya card and paula a death note keychain^^ i know theyre gona like it&
i also won a door prize from a raffle. i got a gaia t-shirt! i wa so happy. i didnt think i would win a raffle. but i did put my name in twice hehe!!=P i end up staying there till like 5:30XD but who cares i had so much fun except for the part where i had to babysit...lol!!