spring break is overT_T

well i guess none of my old friends from otaku arent saying hi anymore=( oh well i guess i can make new one=D yup that'll be good. well anyways my spring break is well basically over now. =( this sucks. oh well. i didnt really do much on spring break anyways. i just stayed at home and spent most of my time on the computer or doin stuff on gaia. oh i also talked to my friends but thats about it. i was suppose to take me written test to get my permit but i need to enroll for drivers training in order to take the test-_- and my pink slip that i got after completing drivers ed is almost expired. but im gonna take my test on monday or tuesday. any day before friday april 4th. thas when it expires. since i wont be using my world thing that often ill probly submit some of my artwork since i havent done it in a while. i havent been making ecards either. i should start making those again^^ well im off to go to bed now right now its like 1:35 in CA. so yea its really late. well good night to anyone who comments or visits my world^^ later!
