hey!! its finally the holidays and this is my last day of school!! woot woot!! its finally break too! yay! i can wait to see what presents i got from my friends=) so wat are you guys gonna do for christmas or winter break?? im just gonna be at my moms place and go to livermore and celebrate x-mas there. its gonna be so much fun
so yea im in school at the momoment. im in my second block class right now. im a ta for a 10th grade english class. and right now im kinda boredXD theres nothing to do right now. the computer is kinda slow but i can deal. i mean it is a school computer. its npot suppose to be that fast...i think. so anyways...i just recently apologized to my friend kaila cuz we were fighting and not talking for a week well make that 2 weeks. but now its all good^^ were talking again=) oh and sorry for not posting anything i really didnt have much to post these past weeks. well class is almost over. school ends at 12:40 today and stuff so i have like 10 minutes left. its is about 9:45 right now. so yea im gonna end this early so yea ill post more later during the break. so talk to you guys later!! ill try to post more fan art and e-cards during the break.
so hope you guys have a great holiday and an awesome new year!