- Created By phoenix509
Final Fantasy
I am a MAJOR fan of Final Fantasy. And I have realized that alot of the Final Fantasies, game of movie, are sad. Especially FFX and X2. I hate it. They're my favorites, but they are soooo sad. They make me cry.
I submitted a wallpaper a few days ago, but they rejected it. TT~TT How cruddy is that? It looked so cool too. Dang. I was sooo proud of myself, because all I have to make wallpapers is paint and so I used it and the picture turned out awesome. But they rejected it. It was a Sesshomaru wallpaper too. TT~TT
I don't understand!!
I don't get it!! In the category list (under music) They don't have Deftones, but the have Bump of Chicken?! And under manga they don't have neither Angel Diaries or Demon Diareis and they've been around for years!! What is this world coming too!!? It's as weird and infurriating as seeing Sesshomaru kissing some random demon! See?! See?!
Welcome everyone!! Thank you for visiting Random Stuff!! Here I post about the most randomest things!! I'll skip from one subject to next! One day the subject might be the same, the next may be different, I don't know. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. Peace!!