quiz results... (:

i took some quizzesz... oh well here are some results.,,

which anime couple are you?
External Image Hideki and Chii (Chobits).
U as a bf always take care ur gf needs(provide underwear). u have a cute gf who loves u but she is so stupid.so, it is ur duty to guide and teach her about the real world. lmao... im not stupid ;___; xD

Which Annoying Anime Stereotype Are You?

The ungodly annoying small child!.

External Image Congrats! You are the annoying small child! You want to fit in with everyone but no one actually wants you around. You have a voice with a pitch that will make ears bleed. You usually try to do adult things and have no other friends other than adults. Somehow your parents let you dye your hair some crazy color and have no parental guidance. NOOOT XD

i learned something from this facbook quizes sucks ._.

a theO quiz (:
What CP9 Member Are You?
External Image sweet

External Image

theO quizes are really better (:
