The Story of The Lunar Wolves


People know that the world is ending.
Some can except it and try to enjoy life while they still can.
Some fight to stay alive, they steal, kill, and betray.
There is only one thing to do....
Search for Paradise.
Only us wolves can find it.
We have to find Paradise so the world can be reborn again.
But Paradise is locked and bolted.
We must search to see if a back door
Has perhaps been left open.

Chapter 1: That horrible Night
 “Run!” Mother yelled, but I couldn’t move, even though the blazing fire was eager to engulph me. “Run and don’t look back!” Mother said one last time. Then out of nowhere my brother came and picked me up, carrying me away from our home that was ablaze.
“Are you ok?” My brother asked me when we were as far away from the forest fire. I just whimpered and started to cry. He checked to see if I was burned or had a broken limb, but then he realized I wasn’t physically hurt, I was emotionally broken.
“Stay here ok? I’m going back to see if anyone is trapped in the fire, I’ll be back.” He said and he took off toward our home that was ablaze.
“No, come back! Don’t leave me please!” I screamed with my eyes full of tears, but it was too late. He was already in the fire that was burning our home down to the ground. I just sat there crying, watching my home burn everyone and everything I knew and love so deeply. Raising my head up, I gave a mournful howl that echoed in that horrible night when I lost everything.

Chapter 2: Years Later
I woke up screaming that morning, hoping if it was only just a dream that I lost everything, my home, my parents, my brother, and my pack. I looked around and nothing was there like I hoped it would.
I was searching for a place called Paradise, a place my brother was telling me so much about. I have been following the sweet scent of a flower. I loved that smell because it reminds me of being back home, in my woods. I thought to myself and remembering every detail about my home and everyone I knew there, but then my stomach started to growl. “I need to get something to eat.”
I went hunting but tracked nothing until I finally found a rabbit. I crept up to it and was about to attack but it started to run. Without thinking I went after it and caught it, but then I smelled the scent of blood and a lot of it. At first I thought it was just the rabbit so I put it down and sniffed the air, it wasn’t the rabbit. So picked up my kill and followed the scent into a patch of tall grass, as I poked my head through I seen another wolf. She was hurt badly; it looked like she was attacked by a pack of wolves. I dropped the rabbit that I was carrying and ran to her side.
“Are you ok?”
“Obviously not if l can’t really stand on my own four paws!” She snapped at me.
“How did this happen?”
“It’s none of your business, and why would you care?”
“Ok, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Can I at least know your name?”
“My name is Wild.”
“Nice to meet you Wild, my name is Silver.” I said with a wolfish grin. “Let me bandage you up before your wounds get infected.” In that moment I changed from a white wolf into a human with long dark brown hair, yellowish-brown eyes, a white T-shirt with a black leather jacket, blue jeans and black sneakers on.
“How did you do that?” Wild said with amazement.
“Do what, change form?”
“Duh, what else would I’ve been talking about?” She said sarcastically.
“Oh I don’t know, think of your paws turning into hands, your limbs turning and twisting so you can stand on two feet and you get the picture with the other details, but don’t try to change until I finish bandaging your wounds.”
“Alright, but hurry up.” She said anxiously.
“Ok I’m finished. You can change if you want now, or you can wait after we eat the rabbit I,”
“A rabbit!” She said before I could finish my sentence.
“Yeah, I caught it a while ago; here you can have half.”
“Thanks. I don’t remember the last time I ate anything. By the way where are you heading?” She said while devouring the rabbit.
“To a place called Paradise.”
“Sounds tempting, alright I’m in.”
“I’m coming with you; I have nowhere to go anymore.”
I wonder what she meant by anymore. I thought to myself. “Ok, we can start early in the morning.”

Chapter 3: The Journey

 “Hey Wild, wake up its time to go.” I said as I shoved her until she woke up.
“Alright already, I’m up I’m up.” She said annoyed. “Do you even know where Paradise is? I mean how do you know where to go?”
“No, I have no clue where Paradise is and I don’t really know where to go, but I do know to trust in my instincts.” I said as we both started our journey.
We journeyed across vast lands and ended up in a town. It was protected by an old dome, and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was killed by a piece falling off. I guess the dome was there to keep the cold out, but it wasn’t helping much. When we came close to the entrance it smelled of guns, alcohol, and thugs. You could feel the danger in your bones when you walked in.
“Man this town is creepy, I love it. It reminds me about being back home.” Wild said as we entered the town.
“We better change our form, I smell humans.” I said.
“Yeah I know I can smell things more than ten kilometers away.”
“Awesome, I can too!” I said with a friendly grin.
Then in that moment she change from a pitch black wolf with a little bit of red on her paws and her cheeks into a human with black short hair, a half cut black leather jacket, a red shirt, red fingerless gloves, black jeans, and black sneakers on.
--------------------------Somewhere in the town---------------------------
“Hey Wild, I was just wondering what’s your story? I mean I don’t want to pry or anything.” I said as we sat under a huge tree eating hotdogs.
“Like I said before it’s none of your business.”
“All I want to know is how you got all of those wounds.”
“Ugh, let me tell you ONE more time! ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Ok!?” She yelled at me.
“Look I didn’t mean to-”
“End of conversation!” She yelled as she stomped away mumbling under her breath.
“I suck with conversations. Oh well, might as well explore this town.” I sighed as I started to wander around.
------------------------Somewhere else in town----------------------------
“There she is! Get her!” One of the three men said.
“If you want to catch me you’re gonna have to run faster than that!” The girl said amused while running swiftly down the alley.
“On contraire little girl.” Another guy said sliding in front of her from the other side of the alley.
“Get out of my way you jerk!” The girl said jumping over the guy and kicked him in the back of the head in midair.
“You’re gonna pay for that you little brat!” The guy said getting up fast and chased her with the other three men.
“Man I wonder where Wild is. I hope she isn’t too pissed off at me.” I said walking down an alley. Then I was startled by a trash can being knocked over with a loud bang.
“Crap, those guys are faster than-” Before the girl could finish her sentence she ran into me. She looked surprised to see me, I wonder why.
“Hey, you’re a wolf like me! I mean it’s the first to meet one like me!”
“Good for you, but what were you running from?”
“Who said I was running!? I don’t run from anyone!”
“There you are you little brat. Did you really think you could run from us? Pathetic! Oh look, you have a good looking friend. Just what we need, come over here bitch so I can get a better look at you.” The guy said, supposedly the leader.
“Who are you calling a bitch!? I can take all of y’all in my sleep!” I said with a low growl and got in my fighting stance.
“Hey don’t forget I’m still here! I can fight you know!”
“Stay out of this kid! These guys already ticked me off and I don’t want to hurt you while I’m beating these guys to a pulp!”
“Ha! Give us your best shot!” One of the guys said while they all spread into a circle around me.
“My pleasure!” I said with a smirk on my face. Then one of the guys came at me with full strength, with a blink of an eye he was knocked out cold. “Is that the best y’all got? If so then I’m just waisting my time.” I said looking at my nails with bordom.
The ‘leader’ nodded at the other two and all three of them came charging at me. I dodged a sucker punch and the guy knocked out one of his own men. Then I kicked the guy into a trash can. Only one left, the so called leader.
“A-Alright already, you win you win! Just let me go!” He said with fear; he wrecked of it.
“Awe and I was just starting to have a little fun too. I can’t let you go that easily.” I said as I ran toward him and knocked him down with my fangs just inches away from his face. I was in wolf form and ready to tear him to shreds, but for some reason I didn’t. I quickly changed back into a human, still pinning him down to the ground.
“You’re lucky I didn’t kill you; but just in case you don’t come after us.” I knocked him out cold and got off of him. “You should get out of here kid before someone finds these guys like this.” I said walking past the kid.
“Stop calling me kid ok! My name is Iku Hashiru, which means go run.”
“Ah, no wonder you were running from those guys. You’re a coward.”
“I am not! My name means go run because I’m a really swift runner!”
“Whatever you say kid,”
“And I can’t go home because they left me behind and forgot about me! I’m lucky I came across this place or else I would have died in the cold!” She yelled frustrated and with a tear going down her face.
“Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that.”
“Hey where are you heading?”
“To a place called Paradise.”
Sounds fun, could I come?”
“Sure the more the merrier,” I said walking down the street.
“Yay!” Iku said happily.
I wonder were Wild is. I thought to myself.
--------------------------After Wild stormed off----------------------
“Who does she think she is!? She has no right to know my past!” Wild said kicking a trash can over. Then there was a high pitch yelp; Wild followed the sounds to two guys beating a pup to death. The pup was a sunset color and she had a sunburst necklace that had a little glow to it.
“Hey! Stop! What the hell is your problem!?”
“Stay out of this girl if you know what’s good for you.” One of the guys said.
“You should walk away if you know what’s good for you.” Wild growled at them.
“This bitch just wants a death wish.” The guy said to the other. “Well it’s your lucky day ‘cause we are gonna grant your wish.” The guy said as he came at her with an iron pole he picked up off the ground. Wild blocked using one of her steel daggers.
“Ha! Stupid humans,” Wild said looking at the guy in the eyes; then she kicked him across the alley into a pile of trash bags and cans. The other guy grabbed her and had her in a headlock; Wild slammed him against the alley wall and made him gasp. She broke free from his grip and slit his throat with one clean slice.
“You won’t call anyone a bitch anymore, or should I say forever?” Wild said smiling showing her fangs.
“Don’t forget I’m still alive.” The guy said charging at her swinging the iron pole.
“Oh, did I forget to take out the trash?” She said dodging his swings. “Silly me, let me do that right now!” Then Wild dropped to the ground and kicked upward in his jaw making him fly up in the air. She jumped up a little higher than him when she kicked him in the air then sucker punched him in midair causing him to fall downward making the ground crack when his body met the surface. Blood surrounded his body like he was lying on a red blanket. She walked up to him and grabbed his head,
“Just to make sure your dead,” Wild snapped his neck and the sound echoed down the alley. “What did I say? I warned them but they didn’t believe me. Ha, serves them right. Hey are you ok over there?”
The pup changed into a human with sunset color hair that goes to the middle of her back, a sunset necklace, a long-sleeved tan and yellow jacket, dark blue pants, and black sneakers on. “Yes, I’m alright now. Thank you for getting rid of those guys.” She said holding her necklace with one hand.
“No problem, I was going to end up in a fight one way or another.”
“Why do you say that?” She said with her eyes full of concern.
“I was pissed off. It’s kind of a long story and I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Ok. I think we should leave before people find these two dead.”
“Yeah good idea, by the way why were they beating you?”
“A few days ago I had a friend, someone who took care of me and played with me.”
“So someone’s pet?”
“Not exactly, she was like a mother or a sister to me. She was a little girl that had nothing to worry about in the world. This necklace was hers. She gave it to me before,” She sighed. “We were playing outside in the park and she through the ball and it accidently went in the road, without thinking I ran after it. There was a person speeding down the road straight towards me. I should have been dead, but she pushed me out of the way and she took the hit for me. I got up and ran to her side; she said to me ‘Don’t be afraid of what the future might hold. Shine brighter than ever and I will see my way and others out of the darkness.’” She said with a tear running down her face. “People keep saying that it should have been me that died instead of her. They say that I don’t deserve to have this necklace, that’s why those guys were beating me. They tried to take it from me but I bit them. Every time someone is beating me or something I don’t feel it, it’s been like that ever since she gave me this necklace.”
“Well maybe she is watching over you.” Wild said as they came upon an old building.
“I really hope she is.”
“Let’s spend the night here and we will get up in the morning.”
“Ok, but where are we going?”
“We are heading to a place called Paradise, but first we have to find something. Don’t worry about it, just get some sleep.” Wild said sitting in the windowsill looking at the moonlight that was trying to peak through the dome, “One day…” She sighed under her breath.

Chapter 4: Meeting
Brother where are you? Brother? Why did you leave me all alone? ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be back.’
I woke up crying and it felt hard to breath. I looked around and Iku was still asleep. I looked up toward the sky, it was still dark out. We slept in an old bus that was in a scrap yard, I kept hearing my brother’s voice before he left me. ‘I’ll be back,’ it’s the only thing that ran through my mind.
A cold breeze came through and it made Iku shiver, it’s gone! The scent of the flower is gone! I wonder what happened to it. Then I smelled something familiar, it was blood; but who’s? Then it hit me, it was Wild’s blood!
“Iku, Get up. We have to go.” I said loudly.
“What? Why so early?” she said in a sleepy tone.
“Just get up! Now!” I told her.
“Ok, ok. Fine, Geez what’s your problem grumpy?”
“Let’s go. Hurry!” I said as we broke into a run.
“Ha! Hurry is me middle name!” Iku said laughing.
------------------------------Where Wild Is------------------------------------
Wild woke up with her shoulder hurting. She looked over and found the pup with her eyes closed and her hands hovering right above the deep cut in her shoulder. Her necklace started to glow! Then the space between her hands and the wound started to glow a light green.
“What are you doing?” Wild asked in amazement, she didn’t respond. Her wound stopped hurting and it was healed completely! “How did you do that?”
She opened her eyes and put her hands down to her side. “It’s something she taught me. That is another reason why people want my necklace.” She held her necklace that was close to her heart and a tear went down her face.
“Don’t worry, I will protect you.” Wild said as she put her hand on the pups that held the necklace and wiped the tear away from her face with the other. Wild’s ear picked up a noise outside, she turned her head toward the door. “Go hide.” Wild said still looking at the door. The pup hid behind a few creates that was in a corner and then the door came open.
“Wild are you ok!?” I asked running to her side.
“Silver, what are you doing here?” Wild asked in a surprised tone.
“Please, I could smell your blood from the other side of town.”
“Yeah I guess I got reckless, oh well.” Wild said shrugging her shoulders.
“I smell someone else in the room.” I said looking at the crates. “Show yourself!” I growled.
“It’s ok, you can come out. She’s a friend.” The pup came out with her head down in a submissive posture. “Silver this is my friend. I saved her from two guys trying to beat her to death.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Silver.” I said with a welcoming smile on my face but my eyes stared into hers.
“Hi, my name is Taiyo Koyagi. It means Sun Kid.” She said dropping her eyes from my gaze. Then I smelled a familiar scent on her. She has a little hint of the Flower! How does she smell like it? I thought to myself in amazement.
“Who is that?” Wild asked looking toward the doorway where Iku leaned against the doorframe.
“Oh, she is-”
“Hi, my name is Iku Hashiru; it means go run. And no I am not a coward! I run really fast and swiftly.” She said walking in the room and closed the door behind her.
“Yeah, great to meet you; if you haven’t noticed yet my name is Wild.”
“Alright, now that everyone has met-” Gunshots rang out all around them. It went through the door and the window, making the glass shattered everywhere.
‘What’s happening!?” Iku yelled while crouching on the floor with her hands on top of her head.
I took a quick glance outside through the shattered window,
“Damn, it’s those fucking assholes that was chasing you yesterday Iku.” I said looking at her. “We can’t stay in this town anymore. We all know we came here because of the flower scent. Well now it’s gone so we have no reason to stay here anymore. Taiyo, somehow you have a lingering smell of the flower on you,”
“Yeah, um enough of the small talk; we have a problem on our hands.” Wild said.
“Okay, Taiyo we can talk about it later. Iku you said you’re a fast runner right?”
“The only one I know.” She said with a smirk.
“Okay, good. You pick up Taiyo and follow me. Same with you Wild but just take the back just in case something happens.”
“Alright! You can count on me!” Iku said smiling and her eyes full of anticipation.
“Yeah, what she said.” Wild said focused on the plan.
“Alrighty then, lets go!” I said jumping out of the shattered window with the other three right behind me. We ran on top of the roofs with bullets flying everywhere. We made a break for the excite but it was blocked off by gangs of humans. Then I saw an opening where the dome met the city wall. We made it to the opening and jumped outside into the snowy night. Before we hit the snowy ground we all changed into our wolf form and started our journey again.

Chapter 5: Guess Who
“Silver can we take a break now?” Iku complained.
“Yeah Silver, we have been running for three days now, non-stop.” Taiyo said tiredly.
“And plus we haven’t had anything to eat.” Iku said putting her hands on her stomach.
“Shut up already! It has only been three fucking days!” Wild snapped at them.
“There’s a small cave up ahead. We can stay there for a while.” I said as we walked over to the cave.
“Thank God!” Iku sighed lying on the ground inside of the cave.
“I will go find us something to eat.” I said walking out of the cave.
“I’m coming too.” Wild said following me.
“Not this time. I don’t want to leave those two alone.” I said nodding toward Iku and Taiyo.
“Fine!” Wild said throwing her hands up with a low growl.
“Thanks. I will be back before you know it.” Then I took off toward the snowy woods. I sniffed around and found the scent of a deer, I tracked it down. I was hidden behind some bushes, I was about to attack the deer but then I seen something move across from me. I laid low and watched both the deer and the figure across from me. It stepped closer and closer to the deer and now I could see what it was, it was another wolf! Then it lunged towards the deer. It felt like I was watching it in slow motion but before the wolf hit the deer my instincts kicked in and I lunged after it too. You’re not having my prey! I growled at the other wolf and I took down the deer before the other wolf could touch it. I broke the deer’s neck and looked up at the wolf. He was a full gray wolf with an X shaped scar on his chest. I growled at him viscously.
“My-My, you’re viscous. I like that.” He said with a smirk on his face.
“Good to know. I will be going now, with my kill.” I said still with a growl.
“I would have killed it only if you haven’t gotten in my way, so I’m going to take it with me.” He growled back at me.
“Over my dead body!” I growled back at him more viscously. He was about to lung at me but then we heard a howl.
“You’re lucky. Take the deer I don’t care, I have to go.” He said with a low growl and before he took off the way he glanced at me made my face feel a little hot. I watched him take off and I was a little confused but I brushed it off and took the deer back to the others.
“Finally! What took you so long? I thought I had to eat someone!” Iku said starting to devour the deer.
“If there was gonna be anyone eating someone I would eat you first!” Wild growled at Iku.
“Hey, you two just be happy Silver got us this deer so we didn’t have to starve.” Taiyo told Wild and Iku. I tried to hold in my laughter but Wild seen me.
“What’s so funny?” She snapped at me.
“Oh nothing.” I rolled my eyes.
“Oh really, nothing? Then how come it took you so long to get this deer huh?” Wild asked me crossing her arms.
“Oh um, it just took me a while to find something worth killing that’s all.”
“Yeah ok,” Wild said sarcastically. “Well, that’s why I should have come with you in the first place.”
“Yeah, your right.” I sighed. “Don’t worry, you can hunt next time.” I said rolling my eyes with my arms crossed and with a smirk on my face. When I rolled my eyes I thought I seen something at the edge of the woods. I scanned the area but I didn’t see anything. I lost my train of thought when Iku threw a snowball at me. I guess she thought I was mad because she just looked away and pointed at Taiyo who had some snowballs in her hands, I just laughed. I was about to ask them where Wild was when all of a sudden she came up behind me and dropped a huge snowball on top of my head. I shook off all the snow and evil eyed her. She poked me with a smirk on her face.
“Tag, you’re it!” Then all of them ran. I silently growled to myself because we could have been getting closer to finding the flower scent if we left now but apparently everyone wants to play around.
“Fine, I’ll play along.” I sighed and ran after them. When everyone got tired we went back inside the cave and stayed the night there.

Chapter 6:
“Everyone wake up, it’s time to go.” I said.
“Five more minutes,” Iku yawned and Taiyo didn’t move, Wild just growled.
I sighed and scanned the edge of the woods. I didn’t see anything but it felt like I was being watched. The feeling started to annoy me.
“Everyone get up NOW!” I snapped at them. Iku and Taiyo both got up in a flash with their eyes wide open. Wild was still laying down, her ear twitched when I snapped at them. I walked up to her and kicked her. She looked at me and growled.
“What do you want?”
“What I want is for you to get you’re lazy ass up so we can go!” I snapped at her. “It’s not my fault y’all wanted to play yesterday!”
“All you have done was nag and demand us around! Who died and made you Alpha?” Wild growled at me. “How much do you want to bet that I can beat you in a blink of an eye?”
“Ha! You can try but I doubt it!” I growled back and got in my fighting stance. Iku tried to hold Wild back and Taiyo tried to hold me back too, but it didn’t work. Then Wild lunged at me, I moved Taiyo out of the way and lunged at her too. We hit each other hard and we both had our fangs in each other’s neck. Blood splattered everywhere as we attacked each other repeatedly.
“Just stop!” Taiyo yelled with tears pouring down her face. “I’m tired of all the fights and bloodshed! Why can’t we just get along?” She ran out of the cave crying.
“Taiyo!” We all said at the same time and ran after her. When we finally caught up to her a huge ship came right over us.
“Nobles!” Iku yelled covering her ears because of the high pitch sound the ship was producing.
“What are Nobles?” I yelled covering my ears. Then the ship shot a huge beam directly toward us. It hit us hard and all I felt was pain ripple through me. Everything was blurry but I managed to get up and look around me. Everyone was on the ground with gashes and blood all around them. I was startled when I heard someone behind me. I spun around and my eyes met the eyes of a white wolf like me. There were other wolves with him but I didn’t pay them any attention. I couldn’t hear what he was saying because my ears were ringing so I just stood my ground.
“Leave now or else I will have no choice but to kill you!” I growled viciously at them. Then in that moment everything went black.

Comment about what you think..... Ty
