Hello Everyone and welcome to my humble world!! ^_^

In this one I will post a lot of random stuff, from personal posts to various themes and memes. Look forward to many interesting and uninteresting stuff. Ciao!

Account name:LightFykki
DOB:15/02 1994
Gender: male
Place of birth and living: Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Interests: Many, too much to list, but you will figure some of them eventually

As you all may know, I try to be nice and kind to everyone. But also keep in mind this. There are many wonderful and talented people here. This site is really great, where everyone can meet up a lot of people and become good friends with those that have similar interests and common thing.
I have many friends here and listing them isn't enough to repay everything in which they helped me. For who they are, they know themselves. :)

All credits for the design of this world, go to my close friend here Hulaberry32!!!
I highly advice that you all as well check her profile too. She is a wonderful person and a very good card maker.^^

My other worlds: A world about Bleach, "My little world of Bleach"
My review world, "Moonlight stories"
A RP world, "Eternal Dreams"
A world dedicated for anime and Japan in general, "Eastern wonder"

Well that is a little introduction of me.
If you have any more questions,just PM me. I don't bite. =)

It's random time 13

Another anime from my childhood, this classic anime actually has about two million and five hundred views on youtube even though it is German dubbed opening. Not even close to Sailor Moon one, but still a lot~! I will post the third spot next time and enjoy in my nostalgia.^^

~ *looks on the right side of the screen* Why are there advertisements? They weren't seconds ago and they shouldn't be here since I have premium membership.. Ah well I know some people don't like them, but truthfully... They don't bother me at all, it was just random to see them! XD

~ On the other thing what was yesterday is that I wanted to start watching anime movie Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust with my friends aaaand when I started it I noticed something funny.. They spoke in English. Okay, maybe it is default setting, I went and tried to change it in the menu, but no! There is no Japanese option and to make things worse there is subtitles option, meaning that voice sound and background sound don't much, so most of the time I almost can't hear clearly what they are saying, but motorbikes from there are like thunder in my ears. xD
And I also bought this anime from actual store (ordered it though) and it is been released in UK by 'Optimum Asia'. Now I have some Studio Ghibli movies from them and they are fine, with all the options, languages, extra and stuff. But why this one is the special case? Don't know..

~ I just noticed that school will start soon... Not fun..

~ And yeah, before I forget.. There is a new member here called Kingdom Key who will be making a battle tournament from our favorite anime characters. I said that I would help him in that and not sure how this would work, but if you are interested more check this 'world' and you will find out yourself.^^

A trip to the nature

First, I want to apologize if I missed someones posts yesterday. I saw only a few and the reason behind it is that I went to a little trip. A trip to the forest actually.. Since I like exploring and just going like that I went to a nearby small national park in a nearby country, Croatia.
There... was actually pretty nice. Though I can visit most and similar stuff like those even here, I wanted to actually go and explore it a little more there. (because our forests and rivers actually collide).

What was annoying is the border traffic. Just yesterday they inspected almost everything, ugh... But then we moved and arrived there and it was pretty nice. The funny thing is that there weren't lot of people so when I went with my father to one place, it felt like a ghost town. XD
And I didn't managed to see many animals, but maybe I will some next time. I made jokes how it is easier to catch fox on my doorstep then in that forest, lol.

Well here are some pics so enjoy~!^^

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One of the pats that led into the deep forest

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There are horse stables and there was no one there.. o_o There was even a sign: "Ride them on your own safety!" So I could just take a horse and give it a go? LoL!

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Some old central hospital barrack from WW2. Looks like a small forest village to me. xD Again no one was there and I could enter houses if I wanted. Creepy..

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Again, some old monument from WW2, but nothing was here. It was interesting to climb a hill there and actually see this. XD Well there was one couple, but I think that they made the whole way up so they can have a little "deep talks" lol.

So those are some of the pics. Oh also, I saw the biggest dragonfly there at this one small lake. It was.. like a bird. XP

That's it and talk to you guys soon~!^^

An amazing dedication

First off, I found some nostalgia in animes that were dubbed in German. So I will post each of the most memorable to me so that you can also enjoy in them. Umm, that's an order. XD First of Sailor Moon, cause it is the most popular on youtube (even for a Germ dubbed opening it has almost four million views o_o). Speaking of Sailor Moon, if anyone would want to join a RP or family of it, just contact influffy12 cause she is making a one and I told her that I will help to gather more people.

~Heyo everyone!^^ How are you all doing? I hope well, cause I am as well. Well it is been some time since I posted here, hmm what to say.. Ah yes, all the pain that I had with my knee is now gone as well as the wound, only some minor pain has left but other than that I am fine.
Oh yeah, before I forget, one our dear member here Raisha, needs help in gathering money and you all can help very easily. Just follow THIS link and you will understand there by the post.^^ Don't worry, it doesn't bite. XD

~Also my friend that went to Germany came back after five Bleach episodes (yeah I haven't been counting in weeks but in Bleach episodes when they come out cause we watch them together XD). So now we try to keep up on many animes that we missed. Currently watching a ton of animes, School Days, High school of the dead, Sora no Otoshimono Forte, Bleach, Clannad, Devil May Cry, Lucky Star and some others that I can't remember. Though some of them I am watching again, but this time with him, but just some stuff I am not planning to watch everything, LoL!

~ So to not write too much about me or anything like that here, I want to get to the main point. I wrote this post in terms to say deep thanks to a very lovely, caring and known member here and that is Hulaberry32. I hope that everyone knows her and if not.. Then what are you waiting for, go and say hi!!! Seriously!! :D
But yeah, what I wanted to say is that she made a very big surprise for me. It really cheered me and when I say surprise, it was a really big one. It was something like a dedication and she said many nice things about me. But not only that it was made by her own cover of a beautiful song (which she made even more beautiful by singing). I could just post the link so you can see it, but thankfully theO has a youtube build button.^^

This was very very sweet from her..

It's random time 12

~ I just remembered something.. You know how it is usually said for an anime to either be subbed or dubbed? Well how about a subbed dubbed version. :B No kidding, I think that I saw that one. One of my first animes, Dragon Ball that I watch here was like that I think. What it was is, it was dubbed in English, but then our TV bought it from American distribute and then they subbed it in out language, LoL!

~ And also like I watch random animes with my friend, I didn't know which one to give him next and since that was one of the last that I downloaded, I have him "School Days". Now, he even sent me a message later saying that this could be one of the best animes he has ever seen, even if he thought that it is going to be bad.. And trust me, I knowing my friend he never would sent a message over something like that. SO, he probably did like it and he doesn't even like that romancing stuff. Then of course I went to watch it and I watched two episodes of it already (anime is short, it only has 12 episodes). By now both graphics and soundtrack are average and even the plot is standard and already seen. But there is something about it that is different and it has a very unique presentation.. Overall, something you will either just pass by, or that you will see something in it and actually like it very much. Give it a try~!
For some reason it has some mid fan service, but nothing too major or big.

~ And I also would want to show this world that "Tales of Skits". I said that I will show it a little because she really puts a lot of work and is proud of her work there, so why not to give it a go if you are a Tales of fan.^^
And while you are add, you can also check the world ":Unwritten::Undefined:" I know how much she also puts work into her writing and how much she loves to write, so definitely check it out!
There are tons and tons of other people writing stories as well here, I could just put a whole list. Thing is most of them are not well respected and people are just lazy to read them, yet alone to leave a comment. I must try myself to be more active in that term.
So anyone, if you have a friend here or you know a person who has a world dedicated to her stories.. The definitely go and enjoy in them. You may even like them more than some real books, cause it was written by someone you actually know.^^

It's random time 10


~ I just hit 5.000 views on this world, so thank you everyone for viewing this boring interesting and useless cheerful posts of my! So thank you very much everyone, you're the best! ^_^

~ On other news, I haven't seen natural daylight for about eight days. (because of my injury) I can pretty much now walk, though I still can't crouch. I believe that I will be able to do that soon. Well anyways, I went today for a big walk and to see Sun a little.
And I was like "OH GOD, the Sun, I can't take it... *holds hands on his face* This is too much!! My eyes they are burning!" Other one who watched: "Meep, a vampire... >.>"

LoL okay maybe not that. But I did took a long walk across here. So I went through some forests, fields, tried to find some shortcuts and such and even found one old style house which can easily be even up to 200 years old. I go with some rule that I never go back, so I always have to find a way even if it is dead end. It was fun.. Just too hot. XD

~ My otaku anniversary is coming up soon. Though officially I joined somewhere at end of August, I began going more and more on this page during the middle of September. And I loved it since then. I made an account here just so that I can download some wallpapers of anime that I randomly was looking through the internet. I never thought that people here could be that friendly, fun and just plain amazing! (^_____^)