The new year has come and the old one has gone. Many things changed and many new good things and bad things came. So where to begin.
Maybe from this day. I remember it... The New Year has finished and I needed to back to school. I know there were some problems then and we had to go more in school that usual. -__- But it was good and I had some good marks then.
Then the break came and I enjoyed and... This could be long.
So after all that, the summer vacation came and that is where I began watching my first anime, after some time. Actually when I was much younger I only watched anime. I watched them many, but through the year I kinda began to forget them. Then I watched anime every time before the school and somewhere at the beginning of the vacation. And then I discovered something great, Bleach. It was such a good anime. Something that I have much nostalgia with and I am still watching it.
After that I wanted to get my friends in it and after some time I manged to get some of them to watch it. They too later began to watch some other anime. Usually each anime I watch they to do and it was good. So the whole summer break was good in terms of that.
So how I found this site. I looked for some wallpapers for me and my friends on the internet and I actually found this site. I was really amazed by it. At first I wasn't very interested and forgot about it. But later, I returned to check some more wallpapers and actually saw some basic messages and I too went to check the site a little closer. And then I began step by step to enjoy it. At first I didn't had many friends, but over time I met a friend here, Hulaberry32. She is a really nice person and we always talked and shared messages. She is one of the reason why I really enjoy being here. Through her I too met Xxpicklejuice01xX and MiseryMiss, AlexaClyne , who are too very good friends to me.
Over the time, it became better and better. I really enjoyed time here and I too met some other awesome people like xNotUnderstood, sleepinglionheart, cloud55strife, sky-phoenix queen, yuna2008, 21Emmz12, granraecero69, wabisuke, hellokatty, Macaiah, mewberry13, Sunhollow, kikkima... And I actually like all my subscribers. You guys are what keeps me on being on this site.
And so months came and gone as this year. The school became more and more hard and there were many other changes here that happened during that time. But I am happy that I stayed on this site and that I will stay. The only thing that I really wish for this year is that it will get better and that all your wishes come true.
At the end, thank you all who had time to read this interestingboring post and everyone have a nice day~! ^^