*currently reading Trial by Kafka* ... Has anyone read this thing? I sure don't know. -.- It is one of the school books that we need to read and apparently one of the best works of 20th century. Not sure about that, I know that it is confusing. xD But it is has it's charm.^^
Anyway what I wanted to say is that... I wanted to write something, but actually forgot what should I. I mean I know, but I changed my mood so yeah. xD On a good side though.^^
Hm, oh yeah, we still have two weeks of school. That's right folks! We are... going into the living torment this next week. Our professors are starting to get out of their mind lately. LoL!
Like because I am the best from chemistry, my professors wants to ask me EVERYTHING, from all the years of studying, even though I have all A's. -_- That's classy, though that's one of the easier parts. There are even worse. xD
Well, it is still nice in some ways of looking. I know that some of you on the west finished now with your year. On the other side more in the east, some will start their new school year. Wow, world sure is interesting. :)
And I am so tired of extra classes. Last three days I had them in a row. Today I gave instructions to some students that should fall on from chemistry, but I decided to take my time and teach them that in school. Hopefully they will pass.^^
SO that this post doesn't feel like completely talking about school... Does anyone feel like to eat a cookie? *random* LOL!
Don't know, but if I remember something more interesting (or sad) I will definitely write. :D