One word, a big happiness

So um, I was seeing a lot of memes or tags (or whatever you want to call it, I don't know XD) around theO about which word do you think describes that person the most. (in this case me)

So since I was bored and already missed some of them (poor me lol) I wanted to give a shot at this and see what I will get.^^
I know that I won't get many comments, but like I said *points at the title* One word can mean a lot, sometimes if it is a bad one (okay maybe not, but I won't mind if someone has a grudge against me or something :D).

Edit: I accidentally typed at one spot world instead of word. XD So that's cleared now.^^

Edit 2:

Thank you very much all for all the lovely comments (and words from those)~!! <3 To say the truth, I expected the most like 5-6. XD So I was VERY surprised when I saw all that, but in a good way of course. :)

I would write what everyone said, but if you are interested you can just check the comments.^^
Again all these words from you guys made my day. Thank you very much. :'D
