Drama act preparation

Blah... -_-' Today I got an unexpected job. Work.. thing.. something. XD

Well the thing is that today at our English class, my English teacher as she knows that I have experience with that and that I am the only student from English that she can rely on (or at least she thinks so lol) she put me in the role of Oscar Wilde, the famous drama writer.
Now it is cool and all that, but I have three days to prepare an act without any data of the play that we need to perform or what I will do or others. As me being director of it, I have to write the script and the whole play and also be in the acting.

And me being in that I don't like having half done projects. I need to make a true drama play from it! I will even combine the music with the play and try to find some costumes. Also to make the scene the best as possible. Will I make it? Well I have "three days" and plus tons of homework and studying from other subjects, so... not really. XD But I will try!^^

I wish you also luck guys to those that go in school and to those that don't I wish you luck in general! Let's make the impossible into possible. >:)
