Drama play!

~ So today we had that drama play that I talked about in Friday and guess what... It went well!!! ^_^ Our professor was satisfied with us and gave to me and to two other actress an A and to others.. well nothing, but she will take that in consideration later. XD
Thankfully everyone understood my plan and what I organized so we managed to make something in just three days.. Even the background music, some costumes and such.^^
I would love to show you guys video of it, but sadly since it is in the HD quality, my internet is not good enough to upload it here. And also because of other things but still.. XD

~ Oh yeah, we also had "another" bomb report today... Yup, I know, we have them too many, but this time they actually were looking for that bomb and I believe that there was something... Lol... Ah well, what can ya do. :P

~ And at the end I want to show you guys the cat that managed to chase away the fox twice!! (at least that's how many times I noticed it X3). Ahh, what everything mom cat will do to protect her kittens...
