Contagious tag part 3

Tagged by Felcie:

1. Do you like wasting your time with memes?
As you can see... yes.

2. Who is your favorite artist?
I like all the peeps from theO who give much in their work and like to do it.^^ They are my favorite..

3. What kind of movie do you like?
It is easier to answer what kind I don't like. XD

4. How do you think I look like?
Hot! *_* Like a Sun... But seriously, middle size, but attractive.

5. Is there something a show or movie that you don't like while obviously 90%
of the world does like it?
Ummmmmm... Pfffff... Maybe, but it depends cause I have a weird way at looking at these things.

6. Why are you doing this meme?
Because you tagged me silly, and I want to show my respect while doing it. :)

7. Who woud you fuck, marry and kill? (thank you, tumblr for inspiration)
o_o I remember one book that I just read in school.. Turns out the book is French and that guy did that.. Oh wait I have to answer that? Sorry, but as I am random, I can't be that random. XD The person who I would have sexual intercourse fuck I would also marry, but never kill of course.

8. How could you do that? Aren't you ashamed?
Ummm... *feels shuttered* Sorry, but I couldn't kill me wife!!

9. Is there something that can make you very upset? If so, what is it?
When I see very young people doing things that they should or not doing things that they should..

10. Are you happy to realize that you have only one question left?
Nah, it is okay, I enjoyed in this. Question number 7 was pretty random. XD

11. Have you ever been to a foreign country? If so, where?
Yes, I was in Croatia. I can see that country from my balcony, not too hard to go there. XD

Tagged by MikuBerry:

1. Do you paint your finger/toe nails?

2. Do you have any weird nicknames? If so, what is it?
Ummm... I do have several nicknames, but I can't think of any weird one. XD

3. Do you like giving people nicknames?
Sure thing.^^

4. What would you do if I told you I wanted to poke your brain?
I am sorry, I really would let you, but I think it could hurt me.. You know, taking the knife and cutting my skin and skull..

5. What type of clothing do you wear on a daily basis?
Boxers. :P

6. What is one thing about yourself that you hate?
I don't hate really anything in general... But I don't like sometimes my decisions from past and some things of my personal life..

7. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
Informatics and history.

8. Do you like the smell of potatoes?
Mmmm... tasty. *_*

9. Do you like to shake your groove thang? (Butt)
Huh?! Should I? XD

10. What is the highest number you've ever counted to?
Wow.. One time I couldn't sleep and I was counting.. oh yeah, I was counting.. In short I can't remember. XP

11. Would you describe yourself as lazy, or not lazy?
I let others to judge me, sorry I can't do it myself.

Tagged by XnomdeplumeX:

1. Aren't you just so excited to have been tagged (lol)?
Of course!! I shouldn't be, but ah well! :D

2. Have you ever committed any kind of crime? If so, what did you do?
. . . You are a cop, aren't ya? XD

3. Whats your favorite meme?
Uff, one of my favorite is one nine thousand.. Or just nyan cat one, or..

4. Did you know Steve Jobs died today (October 5th)? Because he did.
Yeah, I just read today.. R.I.P Steve, you were a revolution who will always stay remembered!

5. Do you read fanfiction? What's your favorite one?
Not really, but I do like to read random ones from people who write here.^^

6. What's a word that really annoys you?
"Kokretno" which from my language would be translated as "specifically" and believe me I have a reason! XD

7. Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?
How do you mean do I believe in it? I do know that it exists and that is very well common in countries like North Korea, USA, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China and several others.
But no, I can't judge this. It exists with its reasons and in others it doesn't with another reasons.

Because you just went all caps rage on me, how could you?! How could you?!!!!!
Lol! :P

9. What was your first anime?
I think that it was maybe Dragon Ball.

10. Did you just find anime or did someone recommend it to you?
It was on my TV and after that I watched it every day. It was my favorite type of cartoons, because even then I noticed how they are different. Now I have more knowledge over it.

11. Aren't you glad that's over?
I should go and study, so... maybe, but just a little bit.^^

Tagged by Hulaberry32:

x What's the worst thing that could happen?
The one that we can't even imagine and that even our brains aren't prepared for it.

x If life gives you lemons...
Then I would be healthier. :3

x Think fast; heads or tails?

x Take me out to the/a...
Moonshadow heart in the dark mysterious night, under the sleeping white tree..

x What am I to you?
The same thing that I am to you. :3

x Favorite Harry Potter spell?
Snape personal spells, hands down.^^

x OTP? (one true pairing)
I think that I would find this hard to answer.. XD

x If you could marry one anime/movie/TV show/whatever character, who'd it be?
Oh, marry? Easy there, first to meet that person more closely and then marry. XD I don't know, but there are several from animes and similar, I would have to think carefully..

x Should you be doing something else other than tags right now?
Yes unfortunately. *looks at huge pile of books and then growls at them.* >.>

x How long do you spend on the internet?
*tries to calculate it with his scouter but it breaks up* Yes.. That much. X3

x What do you love most about yourself?
My personality and ways of looking at things.

Tagged by Hanaro Souhi:

1. Let's start with a light question!~ Summer?Autumn?Winter or Spring?[any special reason?O ¬ O]
Spring. I like it because of the flowers, nature and the nice weather and air. Especially early Spring.

2. Do you like perfume?What's your perfume's name or the kind of fragance?
Oh haha, well as a guy I am not really into it much, but I do sometimes use one.. Boss or Lacoste is the brand, but again I don't really look too much to it.

3. Congrats!You just won a magic passport and you have the right to go to three places for free! Please,choose your travel destination!^_^
Wooohooo, now this is what I am talking about!! :D Okay.. I want to go to Japan (kinda hard to pick the city, but probably Tokyo), US (if I would go there I would take myself a nice ride and since I am there, why not explore the whole country.. XD Although it would take much) and to tell you the truth there are so many places, but for the last one I would go to Ireland or UK maybe right now.^^

4. Oh!I really love flowers!They're simply beautiful!Do you like them?Yes?What's your favorite flower?~
Of course that I do!! :D Any type of spring and field flower is my favorite, also mountain flowers. They are so rare, but it is so nice when you discover a new one.

5. Make origami is so fun!~ Do you know make some origami?O w O
Tried when I was a kid.. Failed like an adult. XD

6. I'm hungry!>.<~ Do you have some kind of sweet or candy for me?
Of course that I do. *pats your head* :3 Here, have some of the chocolate from the Alps. So tasty. *gives you one*

7. OMG!Pikachu is in trouble!He was kidnapped!TT^TT Help me!
YUSH, time to call my whole squad to the aid. *turns his hat in an epic pose and draws pokeballs*

8. Do you know some manga to recommend me?[suggestions are always welcome!]
Paranoia Agent, Spice and Wolf, Summer Days.^^

9. You're in a fancy restaurant!*_*[Yes,food theme again!XD] Look at the wonderful menu.Are you ready to order?Yes?What you would like for your dinner?~
Oooh.. I always like to order something different, but this time I am in a fish mood, so bring me a whole pallet of all kinds of fish food. Just... make sure that they are dead. XD

10. LOOK!!!*points to sky* A shooting star!!Fast,make a wish! *making a wish too* [Write your wish here]
I do have one wish... But I also have one another equally nice and that one is that I and everyone else stay friends and never again loose any more!

11. Final Question!Yey!~ Say aloud:"I'm AWESOME!" and then lift your hands up high as if to touch the ceiling.How you felt?[No!You're not a idiot!Because,as you said before,you're awesome!~ XD]
Haha, YOU are so awesome with these random set of questions! :D I felt.. like an assistance.^^ But seriously, this was a great tag, thanks for including me!! ^_^
