Okay, so today I am going to talk about one of the funniest and most familiar moment from school that I can think of.
It all happened when I was in the second year of my high school. We had chemistry class and it was the lass class on that day. I also went to second shift during that year, so my last class was from 6:25 to 7:10PM. And yes, since it was November it was pitch black outside during that time.
During that class power cut off and you couldn't almost see anything, so by some logic we should go home, right? Well no. . . We actually moved and picked our bags, but just about when we were to exit the classroom our teacher said "Where are you going everyone, our class hasn't finished. Get back to your seats NOW!" We were literally like this o______o.. I mean seriously how in the whole world....
Well everyone went outside and home, but only our class stayed and yes, she was still speaking about our lecture of that day. Talking and talking, and since me and my friend are sitting just in front of her, we had to hold our laughs and our confusion the whole 15 minutes by listening to her, while the whole class went nuts and joked around how much they could. I don't know how our teacher could remain all that serious, it was pitch dark... And after that she said "This is all going to be on your next test."
Ahhh... good memories. XD Well everyone, now tell me your funny or just interesting story from your school that you remember, I would like to hear it? :D