Happy holidays!!

The text is... just so wrong!

Yup, happy all the holidays that you celebrate there! ^_^ If you live where I live, then you are probably celebrating Day of the our country. If you are not or yes, then you may still celebrate Muslims New Year. And if you live several thousands miles away, you may celebrate Thanksgiving. If you still live in my country, in my town and go to my school, you might celebrate the day of my school. And if it happens that there are some more important holidays that occurred these days and that I didn't know... well happy those too! :D

Other than that, these days were really interesting for me. I was so good in school that I didn't even think that I would so. I had also a presentation in front of my whole school on Tuesday of the history of my country. I also showed the project that I made (just scroll down and see it in another post). It was pretty fun.^^

I also try as much to work here and with all other things. If anyone wants to enter Secret Santa writing event, then please just say. If you have entered and still haven't made a wishlist, please do so. It will help much to your Secret Santa. :)

~ Everyone have fun and stay safe. Don't go doing anything stupid and enjoy your life. Hear from you!
