- Created By vampiergall
Have You Seen This Game?
I'm all on about the new fighting game!
I't's called Castlevania Judgment!
Tha' art is by Takashi Obata!
I've only seen some of it's art and I wanna see more!
I would just get the game, but I don't have a wii!
So I'm stuck!!!!!!
Help!!!! I wanna see more of the hot characters! The main character looks like a verysmexy Light! And I can see Misa and Near and Mello! I even saw someone who looks like an awsome cross between L and Rem! Super hot!
Need pictures! Need info. on sweet game!
Merry Christmas!!!!!
I'm sure that by time I've posted this everyone will be on vaca. or something.
I meant to put this up sooner, but then I had to go get sick!!!!!
Well. To all the people of the otaku, I say Merry Christmas!!!!
And a happy New Year! If were all back by then! LOL Dunno about the rest of y'all but, I'm gonna blow my house up!!!!!!!!
I'll be around but, I might not do much..... Dunno.
We'll See!
Get to say I saw it!
O.k. It was last saturday but I got to see Twilight!!!! It was very good! I liked the whole:
bad vampire= More animal characteristics!!! (Rowr!)
good vampire= VEGETARIANS!!!!! LOL
The actos were good. I liked the guy who played James! He was sooooo evil! And Victoria was just a freak! That darn fur she wore gave me the creeps...XP
Bella and the Colins were all very beutiful and vicious! Talk about a plot! All in all I loved the whole darn thing! I'm gonna get my big sis' to come see it with me!
Till the next time! (cackles)
Just so the world knows
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thankgiving!
The one day of the year that you really stop and think about the things that have helped you in your life. Things that make you happy; people who might not even be with you any more but you're still happy you meet them; and lastly for the people who are with you now, and complete your life!
Hope y'all are yaving as much fun today as I am!
Eat, Drink and be Merry. For tomorrow YOU DIET!!!!!! LOLOLOL
Wants to see a movie!!!
O.K. I thought I'd be able to post more often. Sorry people.
But, I'm here and trying to give you ....(drum role)
A POST!!!! *cough* Gezz.....
Anyway. I really want to go see the Twilight movie. And in honor of Isabella Simone, a true Twilight fan, I give a shout out!!! I really hope to go see that movie!!!! I want to know though what other people who might have seen it think. So, pass me your oppinions! I want to get a good rating so I bring my interest up to the top most level! I love vampires! And if this movie is right! It could be become the next hit in my house! LOL