My crazy...... lol

O.k. First problem as to why I'm having trouble staying.....

1. If this site get anymore complex in it's makeup and build, my computer is not gonna load it for anymore. And thats the honest truth.

2. My computer is crap! But, y'all might already know that one. Thanks to it's already partial working nature I have to do my internet loading twice for it to really work.

3. My life is as bad as my computer! LOL It's very unpredictable. And it's very BUSY!!!!!!!

4. And this is not a problem, but it's one of the reasons I'm not on much anyway. I'm gonna be gone allot to help my sister! She's gonna have a baby soon. And I get to help!!!!! *gives blissful look* I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
O.o Ummmm...... And I mean just watching the other kids.......
*hehehehehe...... ^.^'*

Ahem! Anyway. Those are my reasons as to why I'm not on here lately. And it probably gonna be like this for who knows how long.

I feel really bad, because I know there are some WONDERFUL people who actually like to look at my stuff and read my stories. And I feel like I'm really testing their patients with these dissapering acts. I wouldn't blame you peoples if you abandond my section and went on to better peoples places. I've seen them. I know there on here. People who have all the time or make time to get on here and supply endless reams of anime beauty.

I'm sorry I can't do better for y'all. You've been very patient with me so far. Believe me I've never been happier then to get on here and see comments and PM from people saying they like my stuff. ^-^ <3

If y'all are tired of waiting for me. Let me know and I will shut down my section. What do ya' say? Yea? or Nae?

