Man! I've been so busy here lately it isn't funny! Plus my computer froze and has been giving me fits ever sinse! I need a replace it soon. I'm not to sure even what to write about! lol
I have started collecting the 'Death Note' manga! I love it! My favorite charecter is L. When I first saw him I thought he looked like a lizard of some kind. But, I think he just has bad habbits? Guess I'll find out as I get more story! Light is crazy! I like him too. But, hes just a little too twisted for my taste! lol I like how involved the story line is. It seems unpredictable but at the same time, you know whats gonna happen. Ya' know?
Well I'll try to post more often. Sorry about that. -.-; I've just been gettin the short end of the stick here lately.
See Ya' Around!