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Name: Erika

Nick Names: E, Eri, Elfy, Vampy, Vampy-Chan, E-Chan & Sissy

Age: 17

Gender: Girl (duh!)

Status: Single (I need to get a life T-T)

Mood: At the moment? Ticked

Siblings: 6 that i know of

Pets: 4 fish, and my 2 dogs Nikki and Puppy (AKA- Sissy's)

Birthday: September, 21ST, 1993

Likes: Anything fuzzy and on four legs, anything with scales (including dragons!), paranormal stuff, reading, writing, hanging with friends, riding horses and listening to music!!!!

Dislikes: vegetables, rap, Bats (-_-) and spiders, not being able to smell touch taste or hear.

Habits: I bite my nails if there isn't nail polish on them 100% of the time, i dip my chicken in applesauce.

Friends: Vicki (V, Sis, Sissy, xsilverxwolf1516x), Chelsea (Chelly), 1dev13 (Dev!), DawnDragon19 (Alex) Brandi, and Rachel and AngelsCryToo (ACT)

Songs: Night mare revisited, Jack to the rescue and the oogie boogie song

T.V: Eastwic,naruto,sailor moon, True Blood, and whatever else is on and looks good.

Books: Everworld, sookie stackhouse (trueblood), eragon, dacula and poems by robert frost.

Other: I'm random, I'm hyper, i can be scawy when i want to be ^^ and i'm willing to talk to anyone about pretty much anything so just shoot me a pm!

My Sites:

Twitter: Wolfheart93

MyAnimeList.Net: Kumiko13

IScribble: Kiri13

Aim: darkxlilxangle

GrooveShark: DarkSoul93

DeviantART: vmpgrl

  • Boys are stupid! Throw rocks at them! - Some Random Book
  • Boys are funny when they try to think. - happy bunny
  • E-chan your not short you funsized! But not funsized enough to fit in my closet! - V-Sempia (I think)
  • Just because it's yellow doesn't mean it's lemon scented - Chelly
  • If you love some one hug them and never let them go...Unless they turn blue... - Ty

My Character Battle Royale Pick List WINNER!

So im now im going to tell everyone who i think is going to win.


Lets face it she's a classic (1990's anime/manga) she has a massive fan base and such. so yup she's my pic. Sorry Ed T-T



So i've seen allot of people on theo doing q&a's so i thought i'd do one too. ask me anything you want and i'll answer!

Quick Heads Up!

First off I NOW HAVE A SHEEZY! WOOT! its like da only less awesome *is shot*

my username is vmpgrl93 so hit me up!

Secondly (this is mainly for nee-chan when she gets home from work) I wont be on the rest of the day cuz of thunder storms. Stupid storms! but i dont want the compy to get struck by lightning like grams compt the the tv. Our tv got hit by lighting once and i was about 3 feet away and it started smoking and stuff so yeah, now when its lighting out side i try to stay away from electronics as much as possible.

Puppy Update

So puppy's been doing good since her surgery last saturday. (can't believe its almost been a week! >.<) Though she pulled out her stitches in her nose and started throwing up. Dr.T said her nose would be ok as long as we keep her from scratching at it more and that the throwing up thing was probably just the heat and her getting the rest of the sedative they gave her out of her system.

In other news my cam i ordered came and I LOVE IT, but im grounded from it which is ok since i didn't know it didn't come with a (Insert curse word of choice here) memory card i now have to buy. I do have a awesome idea for my first cam project tho! Matt-Nee and i are going to do a naruto g2 web show! Yayz for naruto! though i told him he gets to be naruto's kid...i lied. lol ok maybe not so much, i can't see Matt-Nee pulling off sasuke's Emo-ness, and honestly he looks more naru-saku than i do. (Sorry NaruHina fans a got a NejiHina spoof planned already....) Any way if anyone has any ideas let me know! Now to go find a web show name! *digs threw my box of usless idea names*


Sooooo the other day i got a $25 gift card for barns and nobles (borders is still my fave book store tho) and i cleaned out moms truck and bought the Coby Snapp cam! So now i can REALLY start posting on my podcast every weak! Woot! Also im thinking about getting a youtube account! Idk if youtube is ready for this much randomness tho.