I. HATE. LIFE. (Rant)

Ever have one of those days where you wanna crawl under a rock and die? yeah this is one of those days. T-T I got a email from my dad for the first time in a while and he actually wished me happy birthday for the first time in my pathetic 17 years of existence. Not to mention he's apologized for not emailing and calling me and he wants to take me to see my grandma lamb who i havent seen since i was maybe 2? So why am i so mad? i've heard it all before and im not buying it. As far as im concerned i don't have parents not to mention my mother went back with the idiot woman beater boy friend of hers. i HATE my parents so much and im kinda mad at my big bro to. He promised to be there for me and of course i had to trust him and he doesn't even talk to me so thats shot to. I can't stand most of my family. Except for gram and my adoptive family they're a bunch of two faced liars....God its no wonder i cry my eyes out almost every day...*sigh* ok im done ranting. Time for some good news! Gram might not die and her leg is doing so much better tho she'll have a to be careful and go to the surgeon a few more times. Thanks everyone for the prayers!!!
