Hey everybody! You can post anything you want here as long as its APPROPRIATE. I also post my random/personal things here. So, if you wanna be a guest poster here, just PM me and ill add you ^^ Can't wait to see all you guys on here.
You can also find me on DeviantArt- www.animeotaku99.deviantart.com Dont be afraud to PM me and we can talk there too ^^
- Created By skullrose99
Its been such a long time! I haven't been on here in forever! Well, now that I have a little more free time on the computer, I'll try to get on more often from now on. Sorry for lack of activity! I MISSED YOU ALL >w< but im back now, and if anyone wants to talk, let me know :3 By the way, I've gotten myself into so many more animes since the last time I logged on XD I love Homestuck now too (yes i know its not an anime XD) also Lucky Star, Soul Eater, so many others XD and to celebrate my coming back, I've downloaded TONS of anime to watch tonight XD Well, nice to be back again X3
Shadows of the Blue Moon
There's this Wolf RolePlay site I get on, and i'm here to spread the word. The site just re-opened and we need more members. heres the link if you're interested... http://moonshadowsv02.proboards.com/index.cgi
Not my internetz!! Don't kill the LOLcats! DX
As most of you should know, the government are trying to pass a law censoring the internet! This would be so devastating!!! So, everyone, dont forget to protest any way you can so we can keep our freedom on the internetz!
Parents just dont understand T-T
So, for all you that read or watch Black Butler (also known as Kuroshitsuji) you must know the sign on Sebastians hand. Well, i drew the symbol on my hand at school today with a red pen. Once I got home, my dad saw it and he got very mad. He got mad because he said it looked like a devil symbol and he thought i was going satanistic or something. I tried explaining to him how Sebastian has that symbol and how Sebastian is a devil but he didnt listen
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Hey everybody! I havent been on in a while, but im back now! Well, just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year! I know christmas is past already, but oh well. I've had a great christmas, *happily glances at new hetalia movie dvd and miku wallscroll* and i hope all you guys did to! ALso, happy new year, lets all start up those fireworks!