
I'm back everyone!!

I've been away from the O (again) for about a month T.T I seriously hate not being able to go to theO. Some may think that I've vanished here x) But I'm not gonna leave the O. This site have become important to me too (and of course my friends here :3)

Again, the reason why I'm so busy is that I've got lot of things to do for the SG (I made a post that I run for the student government in our school for the position of Secretary and gladly, I won! XD But, I never thought how busy this position is -__- specially when the President isn't that reliable) Busy. Busy. Busy. If only time can be bought, an hour can really be a great help to me x) This position is exhausting!

And also, since this is my Senior year, there are tons of work to do! Homeworks. Unfinished seatworks. Group activities. Projects. I mustn't neglect these things because it would affect my grade. From now on, I need to study hard XD

Another thing is these college application forms. Printing. Signing. Giving to the school head. Asking for transcript of records. Deadlines. Submitting the forms to the Universities. Waaahh. And the most tiring part is reviewing for the entrance exams~! @.@ Last Sunday I took the entrance exam for UP (one of the best schools in my country) and I'm not very confident in my performance x( I really want to pass there so I hope I won't fail! Pray for me guys x)
I have 4 more Universities to apply x) So much work. XD

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Well, atleast now I found some time to post something here in the O. I think I'll reply to messages tomorrow. XD I'll really visit here often now XDD Sorry for the long idleness x))

And oh! I've been re-watching Vampire Knights and oh how awesome this anime is XD It relieves stress XD Anime is my medicine :3 I really love this series XD Specially Zero ♥ :"> Fan girling again~ x)

Ciao! Jiaa ne~
