Really *Pissed off*

Okay So I spent the whole day with my Sister and she was fine. When we were together the whole day she told me how much she needed some pants. So I found my mom in Walmart when we were leaving (diffrent parents) And Before I left her with her mom I asked her what size pants she wears and
She said "Dont buy me any pants"
Me:Confused Face "Excuse me"
Her: I said dont buy me any pants
Me: Umm..........Why
Her:Just because

So i was like what ever and I walked off. But I knew she needed the pants so I bought then for Her trying to be nice. So me and my mom get home and I take the pants to her. I ask her mom where she is and she saids she dosent know. Okay..........So i look around. And I find that stupid Jackass in the closet. Thats right she locked her self in the damn closet.

Me:Knock Know
Me: Um.....I bought you some pants
Me: Um.....Excuse me
Her:I said go away
Me: So i just bought you something you really needed and your not even going to thank me
Me:What the hell is wrong with you
Her:Leave me alone
Me: Rage Walk Away

What the fuck is that stupid girls problem does she have something shoved in her ass OH MY GOD that pissed me off soooooooooooooo much Im still Pissed of. She thinks the whole world revolves around her. I cant wait to see what happens to her when Karma Kicks her in the face. I hope she breaks something.

Sorry for the Language D:|< Im so pissed off
