I just made this world cauz i needed a place to randomly blab about anything i can think of o.0 also...every1 seems to have a world for this except me :'( but not now! :D Here ill blab about: music, pics, interests, books, movies and stuff like that. Anyways heres some dokudenpa to chear you up ^^
- Created By dizzyNatsume
Stepmania pack
for any stepmania ppl out there im doing a pack for my simfiles, if theres any pros out there plz test this pack when i put it up for dl (later) i really need the comments ^^
-Banner and Song List in PROGRESS!
Bacchkoi o.o
i was innocently watching naruto when this now ending came up. zzz lee and guy dancing im scared for life (sry to all lee and guys fans :( ) and guess what im gonna post up the video here, *que evil laugh* muhahahaha XD anyways it gets catch after a bit :)
im think of stepping this for stepmania :P