Osaka turn my stomach upside down :))

Good evening everyone ! ⊂◉‿◉つ

Osaka have done a big part of me today
well, she made me hurt my stomach because of laughing. She was really funny at the episode where they have this swimming competition, she was competing against chiyo She and chiyo had this thing that keeps them floating in the pool all they have to do is to paddle their legs for them to moved, IT was so funny when she keeps her head into water and trying hard to go first againts chiyo unfortunately she was not moving at all because she was stock for her floating thing is intouch with the divider . well her trying hard face made me laugh so hard . (〃^∇^)ノ

But I love osaka a lot because sometimes I think Im like her " weird " sometimes Im out of my mind too. Maybe If will be seeing myself in that situation I will be laughing to death :))

XD end ~~
