What a lovely world we all live in.

Gah! I haven't been posting for a reaaaaaalllllyyyyy long time. (Hey getting Fire Emblem is a great excuse. I've seriously played that game for 30 hrs straight.)

My History teacher showed us a movie called Hotel Rawanda. (Is that how its spelled?) And it rather freaked me out on how there are so many problems in the world that I've never even heard about.

Bad things, Always decide to stalk good people,

Not caring who they are or what they've done.

What they could've done, is shattered.

Yet bad people always get out on top,

Without a care in the world.

Lives disappear in a blink.

Yet people don't care or they avert their eyes.

Its pretty messed up in my opinion. And to quote something said in that movie, "they say, that's awful! And then go right back to their dinner." (Gah I don't remember exactly what was said, but this seems close enough.)

And this rant is done. Hah! I seriously doubt anyone is really even reading this.....
