---> 23:05 <---
Lately I've been wondering how much time it takes me to start reading for my homework...It's not about making them, that's the easy part, I'm just so bored to read the assignment...It ussually takes me days to make up my mind about reading it and start making it...And yes, I always start them at the last day.
I am supposed to turn in 2 assingments tomorrow and I haven't even start reading them. I'm never gonna finish in time. But still I always miraculously do!
I don't think I'm ever going to get out of this school. By the way, computer science is one difficult section. One hell of a study... Hopefully one day I'll make my own site...TheO-like and have others being members...I'm looking forward to it...or maybe I'll get in the animation industry...that would be fun
I really have no idea what I want to do with my future...
Sometimes I just want to give everything up, my studies, my field and be a writer~ I love writing books~ Still, just so you know, it's kind of hard to get published in Greece!!!! I think I'm going abroad~ hehe
I actually think that I should translate some of my stories, or parts of them and post them here... Hopefully I'll find the time, cause time is something that I can't afford to waste anymore... That's why I love so much TheO, cause I can spend some time here and not feel guilty about it...
Anyways, I think that's enough for now...
おやすみ なさい
---> 23:20 <---
Night talk #1