poor little mama hedgehog

poor my mama hedgehog. 3 days ago, she was giving birth to her 5 babies. I don't know what to do. Should i separate the male hedgehog to another tank or shouldn't i ? So i searched for information about hedgehog in this situation.

They wrote
' for hedgehog that just giving birth new babies, we should separate the male hedgehog so it won't eat his babies. Another important things, you can't touch or disturb the female because it will cause the female shock or feel threatened. If the female in that kind of condition, she will eat all her babies.'

i follow all the instruction but still the female ate all of her babies. I have seperate the male from female and didn't disturb or peek inside the cage.

before i bought the hedgehog, the female already has a baby. I name her Cute. The shopkeeper told me that he didn't realized there was a baby with the hedgehog couple. But how cute can survive with her father around. And why didn't the male hedgehog eat his baby. Next time i'll try to not separate the male from female. Maybe the male who the one take care of his baby. I don't know.

Well all animals in my house really weird. That's the fact. Lol.
I hope next time all the babies will be alive. (i really really hopping it >.< )

(sorry for the wrong grammar or wrong spelling)
(i'm bad in English)
