Myy night time conversation and other things

Yeah today about at 12:00 a.m., me and my sister were having a conversation about the old times. I mean the times when I had a lot of fun. We were talking about how we used to make tents inside the house using bed sheets. Then we would go inside. We use to have food and toys and everything in there. It was always soooo much fun. Then we use to pretend we were going to Mc Donald’s and stuff. Then we went to talking about how we use to play a game called toilet monster. (Which had no purpose to it at all, I don't even remember what the rules were if there were any rules) Any ways, then we started talking about how we use to make mud pies and stuff. My mud pies always look soo good. (LOL)(lol)For some reason I always wanted to eat them, but of course I never did.

We were also talking about how we use to dig in the dirt. The funny thing is that we always used to find things in our backyard, like marbles, rings, and pretty shinny stones. But the funny thing is that some days we find a lot of things and other days we find only a couple of things or sometimes we didn’t find anything. Every time we use to go outside and start digging, I always imagine my self finding a box buried in my backyard. But thing is, we never dug that deep because one, we were digging with sticks, and when we were done we had to fill the holes back up. We use to find things and bury them back in the ground and mark the area were we buried it, then we use to go back the next day and try to dig it up, but it was never there. Then were talking about the time we found a fossil. But it wasn’t, it was just a stick, but we kept digging for bones. My sister was like yeah I want to go and dig that stuff up again after the snow melts. And I was like I’ll help you dig, but we re gonna need shovels because sticks won’t work. Then I was like What if we found a box……an empty box. She said that it would be stupid. Then I said no, it wouldn’t it would be cool because you know that something was there. Then she was like, what if we found a box with a dead body in it? Then I was like, I don’t want to go dig in the backyard anymore, that is just something I did not want to think of. Then I was like if we ever do find a box in the back yard I wouldn’t want to pen it just because she said it could contain a dead body. Then I was like, what if it had dark matter in it? Then she said that was a stupid thing to say you need to stop playing Jake and Dexter. Then I said whatever. Then she said we should shut up before our mom wakes up. Then I did. Then I played my ds all night. I had forgot I had school today so, now I’m kinda tired. Well that’s it for my night time conversation.

Oh yeah before I forget:

-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people afterwards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.
1. Perfect?: I try to be but no
2. Tall?: Either I’m tall or everyone else is just short.
3. In your pajamas?: No, pajamas are 4 babies 4.Left handed?: Yes Lefty’s are awesome
1. Friend you saw: My Friend Tatianna
2. Talked to on the phone: Myself (why I called my self is a whole story that I don’t want to get into at the moment) 3. Person to text you: No one (sad I know)
4. Was today better than yesterday?: No way!! Yesterday was full of fun and today is blah!
1. Number: 3 and 5
2. Color(s): Purple, pink, and black
3. Fruit: strawberries, grapes and peaches!!!
4. Place: Somewhere that’s not too hot but cool…..
1. Are you missing someone right now? Now, should I be?
2. Are you happy? I’m not extremely happy and I’m not sad
3. Are you sad? No
4. Are you bored? Yeah I’m at school, it’s boring here!!!
6. Are you nervous? No why….? 8. Are you tired? Yeah I stay’d up all night!! ♥
1. Eating? Air
2. Drinking? Spit^^
3. I'm about to: Pretend to do my work
4. Listening to? The stupid teacher give a reapeative speech that will last for about 30 mins.
5. Plans for today? Go home, played my guitar, go to sleep, do some homework then stay up all night playing video games!!!! ^^ HAVE YOU EVER:
1. Drank bubbles? No why would I drink bubbles? That’s like eating soap
2. Lost glasses/contacts? Nope I don’t wear glasses
3. Ran away from home? I ran away to my backyard for about 5 mins before, does that count? 4. Broken someone's heart? No, not yet 5. Been arrested? No not really…….But there, wait no that was a dream DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
1. Miracles? Yes, the impossible is always possible
2. Yourself? Of course^^ 3. Heaven? Yes
4. Santa Claus? Nope cause I wouldn’t want some fat old guyt comin in MY House eating and drinking up MY milk and cookies and then leaving some gifts like that’s going to make it any better?! (no one takes my cookies and milk!!^^)
4. Love? Yes!!^^♥
5. Do you like someone? As of mow no
6. Do you believe in God? Absolutely
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Yes, I got nothing to hide
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Looked at the clock and then close my eyes again
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Yeah, the fact that I’m not at home
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Some movie on lifetime
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: My imagination
Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: When something’s funny real funny
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: Yes, because it is fun, but I don’t do it all the time
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: It depends on if I like you or not, but most of the times yes
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In my house…….(are you stalking me….?)
Q: When was the last time you cried:
A: I don’t cry
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A. I didn’t go to sleep, so yeah
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 8 My life as of now is awesome
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Me typing on the keyboard
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: yeah my back, I think I pulled a muscle…..
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: September and December because it snows and its cold and that’s when my birthday is!!!
Q: What did you do last night?
A: Play video games all night I Tagged you< Neko MoonShine, Chaos Jonny, Marita369, ZeZe, Saki1234
