Shame and Regret [Poem]

Not long ago, I used to feel proud and confident
I did so little, but with that I was fine
Because sometimes, the less you do
The less you have to be ashamed of, right?

No that's not so- in this life, I have learned
That there are times when we fall
Those memories, though I've tried, have not yet burned
But that is why you need, if anything at all...

To find a way, to try to forget, and just move on
Just a few years later, that pride is long forgotten
My self-esteem that took so long to build up,
is now perpetually broken

What I had was lost, and could seemingly never be found
Though bit by bit, I regained some of what was lost
But in the end, that little confidence was torn down once again
Just to be shattered, and away it was tossed

Trying to forget, trying to move forward
Though it's even harder now, is there not a reward?
All traces of optimism's disappeared into the thin air
Without a trace, I cry out, "Were you really even there?"

Oh, it wasn't so long ago-this commemoration-
That I thought... "this would never happen to me"
But how life can prove you wrong, "it's reality,"
Pride won't get you anywhere, not even in moderation

Oh, but now, I'm still struggling to forget,
This promise, that once was a simple threat
There's so much more, that I am so ashamed of recently
I've done so much more, than I thought I would, oh how could this be?
